
Australian Men who Do Not Drink

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Do Not Drink

36 - 70 of 100
70 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Seeking: Female 35 - 69
Drink: Don't drink
Australian Chinese male, master of health care, senior economist. Rooms and cars are available and the people are excellent. A woman who is widowed and looking for a green card from Australia, who is financially strong. In this beautiful, peaceful and harmonious country, enjoy good air, good sun, good food safety, Good welfare and genuine democracy, freedom and equity. Together, we live in the future of humanity, in the Noah's ark, in the land of magical colors. Sing and dance, dance and dance, dance and dance Dance out of health. Please pay attention to WeChat video number: Sydney old Xu 8390, please subscribe to the channel: @Xini-laoxu [surprise]. I started studying the Taoist method of practice at the age of 13 and studied how superenergy generated by cultivators can be applied in human and life sciences for 56 years. Daily double-disc meditation with over 50 push-ups, 3 squats with 60, 40 minutes of solo dancing. Worth mentioning! No vaccinations were given during the outbreak and no infections were reported. So there are young bodies that are in their twenties and are very healthy. It is a collection of 56 years of cultivation, human meridians, dispelling diseases, and health, activating immunity. Rejuvenating beauty, keeping youth away from aging, spiritual guidance, secrets, The Master of One. Believe that every woman in the world does not want to be sick, let alone hurt by the sholves, for her life? All need love, and women who do not have to be happy. And it's not just a matter of misery, but something is too much to expect. What is even more terrible is that every three seconds in the world now one person is suffering from dementia? Does one person have breast cancer every 26 seconds? The prevalence of women who lack urins is high. As a woman first of all, she must learn to protect herself, and her life and health are always first. Well worth the money for happiness and health! Take time to learn how to protect yourself! Knowing me the best, I will teach you how to prevent, health, and dispel illness. The Four Women's Cancer? A beautiful return? Energy reaches meridian, activates immunity, leaves youth and ages. Women are flowers! A dream of flowers! How thin it is! Girls often complain that men do not have a good thing. Man is the heart of his own marriage, misfortune, man out of the line, divorce, etc. But no one sums up why men are spending their hearts? Why derail? Why divorce? How to keep the heart of man? How to get you into the heart of the man? And keep love fresh for long? Do you want to keep your love men alive? Let the Master of Health Care teach you. If we have a connection, I'll help you heal your emotional wounds. Do you see cause and effect, depress depressant vent? Get connected, activate immunity, prevent cancer, energy care, Keep youth and prevent aging. Young 10 years old is not a dream! Let the men who have left you regret it! Enter a new relationship with your perfect new you.
45 Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Seeking: Female 25 - 49
Drink: Don't drink
我想有一天和你去旅行。去那没有去过的地方,没有⾏囊,没有背包,不带电脑 更不要手机,⾛一个地方停一个地方。和你一起老在路上,捕捉最后的流星,坐在最高的山顶上,行⾛在最美丽的桥上。当日出越过山涧,我未老,你依然。如果可以,我们去一个溪水潺潺的小镇吧,那里蔬果花香,不见忧伤。那里景色优美,盛开希望。在那里,你和我都做个简单的旅行者,面对艰难,依然可以每天活出灿烂。多云的傍晚,你用彩笔绘出一片烂漫的山花,在这片景色中有我们刚好。我们在这样的地⽅老去,如果有来生,或许在我找到你的地方,就在某座桥上。 当你在我身旁冷漠的飘过,我希望那座桥,让我们有机会一起去看海的广阔。也许在这里,也许在那里,我坚信我一定会等到你。我遇见你的时候,你站在桥的那头轻轻地笑着,中间隔了一条沟壑。然后你走向我,整个世界都变得阳光明媚,春暖花开。那一刻,所有苦涩的孤独,都有了归途。那一瞬的回眸,错乱了我的浮生,我觉得你是水,我说我愿为桥,与你相守千年。在青山绿水之间,我牵着你的手,⾛过这座桥,桥上是绿叶红花,桥下是流水人家,桥的那头是青丝,桥的这头是白发。这⼀生,这一世,因为有你,所以爱情才如此轰轰烈烈。爱情,慢慢变成两个人的感情,一个人发疯,两个人相拥。人生漫漫⻓路,不可能没有桥,但愿桥的那边,是幸福。这世界上有许多漂亮的桥,有的人喜欢在桥上看风景,而我只想跟你去看这世界上最漂亮的桥。你站在桥上,望着温润流水如画;而我站在桥边,望着如画的你。牵手心爱的你,一生一起走下去。死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。我还渴望和你一起归隐田园。寻找繁华都市中难寻的静谧。我们探险、拍照,乐此不疲。春水初生,春林初盛,春风⼗里不如你。谢谢你在这世界能找到我,认识我并与我相爱。我们守望春花秋月,也守望熠熠星空。我们相偎坐在桥上,感叹自然的馈赠。犹记桥上相遇,风中落英缤纷。来生,我愿化成一座石桥,受⼀千年风吹、 日晒、雨打,只为你从桥上走过!这种爱,叫生死相依,你若不离,我必不弃。 原来,人生最大的幸福,就是发现⾃己爱的人也爱着⾃己。亲爱的,我们去一个溪水潺潺的小镇吧,感谢⼀路有你,风雨同路,未曾离开。
30 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Drink: Don't drink
36 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Seeking: Female 20 - 42
Drink: Don't drink
50 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Seeking: Female 18 - 60
Drink: Don't drink
58 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Seeking: Female 31 - 52
Drink: Don't drink
59 Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Seeking: Female 39 - 57
Drink: Don't drink
39 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Seeking: Female 18 - 36
Drink: Don't drink
68 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Seeking: Female 38 - 58
Drink: Don't drink
54 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Seeking: Female 18 - 65
Drink: Don't drink
68 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Seeking: Female 45 - 60
Drink: Don't drink
55 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Seeking: Female 35 - 60
Drink: Don't drink
50 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Seeking: Female 32 - 56
Drink: Don't drink
72 Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Seeking: Female 45 - 70
Drink: Don't drink
30 Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Seeking: Female 20 - 37
Drink: Don't drink
29 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Seeking: Female 18 - 23
Drink: Don't drink
44 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Seeking: Female 25 - 40
Drink: Don't drink
36 Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Seeking: Female 18 - 25
Drink: Don't drink
49 Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Seeking: Female 18 - 55
Drink: Don't drink
58 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Seeking: Female 31 - 55
Drink: Don't drink
46 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Seeking: Female 20 - 36
Drink: Don't drink
