
Canadian Men who Do Not Smoke Interested in Friendship

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Do Not Smoke

36 - 70 of 100
59 Walnut Grove, British Columbia, Canada
Seeking: Female 40 - 60
Smoke: Don't smoke
Although I am not religious I am honest and very faithful to the woman I love. To me cultures are like food. Every cultures food has something good that you like and foods you don't. No one cultures' food is the perfect one. Most important fact at this point in my life, so read carefully and to those who look further into my profile and want to know me more, know that I am man that totally commits' and devotes himself to his woman. I am divorced this year – separated for 2 years (actually could be said longer than that). • I am 57 years old, 5’ 5” tall, brown hair and eyes, slim build, and healthy. • I did have open heart surgery to repair a torn Mitral valve – fortunate for me I had enough flesh around the valve that the surgeon was able to use it, so I have my own valve and not a mechanical one. I will say that I am grateful that my ex-wife was there during this part in my life. My mother and brothers would have stepped up otherwise, but still she could have just vanished. • I have a beautiful son (I tell my colleagues that he is a chic magnet – all the women want to hug him and have him around and they total ignore me like I do not exist – haha, I hope he can have the same effect when he is older). He is currently 7 years old and lives with me. So, this may be the most critical part for some women out there. • After the divorce we paid off all our debts and there is nothing left. I am starting over. All I have to my name is: o an empty bank account (which I am working on building up again) o a car o several tools o a comic book collection (haha, yes there may still be a little bit of child in me – but I am looking to sell most of this collection – not worth much, so should unburden myself of most of it) o my health o a good job - 20 years with this company, working various positions from maintenance helper to Maintenance Manager to Senior Property Manager to Building and Asset Manager and now as the Director of IT o the most invaluable person in my life, my son o Also, my two best friends (who happen to be sisters (Suzanna & Lulu) from Beijing) and their families. We have been friends for 20 years and roommates for 10 years. I cherish every moment with them!
59 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 40 - 54
Smoke: Don't smoke
Came across a few scammers in the past. NO money/stocks/bitcoins/gold/SEX talk please. Perpetrators will be reported. I don't need your money so don't ask me for mine. To age less than 35, I'm NOT your sugar daddy. Please have more than one RECENT clear facial and full body length photos of YOU, not someone else or a TV/movie celebrity. Deceiving / embellished / blurry photos / facial mask / no photo / incomplete profile... cannot be trusted... NO RESPONSE.  continue reading if you are genuine, sincere and seriously looking for a true relationship **** Chinese Canadian lived in Canada since teenager. Self-employed IT software consultant work in Canada, UK and the USA. Well mannered, educated and traveled. Speak fluent English, Chinese(Cantonese/Mandarin), some Spanish. Proud father of a lovely independent daughter. Love life, discipline yet free spirited, like living life to its fullest. Not religious, but respect all religion. Healthy and balanced lifestyle. More city than country living. More coffee than tea. Best of East meets West. Avid golfer and tennis player. Enjoy the outdoors, photography, traveling, hiking, cycling, swimming, sailing and alpine skiing. Love sunshine, sand, sea, water. Traveler... 20+ countries, suitcase traveler not backpack. Love Asia and Europe... climate, scenery, culture, food, art, music, history, architecture, fashion, car. Like weekend getaways, golf and wine tasting. Foodie... Chinese dim sum, Japanese sushi, Spanish tapas, Italian pasta, French pastry, from street food to michelin star, not a vegan, not a picky eater. Enjoy cooking, going to local farmers market on the weekends, a glass of Cabernet/Merlot/Pinot Noir on the weekend. Enjoy a pint of draft beer with wings and pizza on the outdoor patio on a sunny day. Music... like all genres of music(except rap and heavy metal), it all depends on the mood.
57 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 42 - 52
Smoke: Don't smoke
Hello Cyber citizen friends, "When you sit face to face with someone who is pleasant, respectful, and polite, You have a hard time reminding yourself that nothing he says is true" I am simply a blunt person. Sometimes not agreeable and impolite. I am here writing not to let you know what I'm thinking but to know what I am thinking, discovering myself with you Cyber age friends. A man without a woman is like a foot without a big toe, as funny as it may be to see me walking I am here looking for my big toe. I am real, amazing, amusing, charming, funny, sexy, fashionable... and I have the ability to be myself... I am annoying perfectionist, anal sometimes, hate bad drivers, and hate people with bad manners, picky choosy, not easy not hard... and I have the ability to be myself... I am passionate about the things I do or like... Golf. Racquetball. Cancha. Reader. Lover. Live. Perfumes. TV. Music. Dancing. Wine. Beer. SUDOKU ¡¡Ok!!... I'm nuts...! and I have the ability to be myself. But you know what... Is all good. I like people who never make a joke on others, who never have something bad to say about others and never expect anything in return for any deeds... Any!!! I like to hold the door for anybody... anybody even when I get upset at bad manners. I am not limited by the skin or culture; everybody gets the same respect unless proof otherwise. I've been call a geek, a dork, retard and many other flattering names by my friends and close ones... Go ahead have a laugh just remember I will always call you first... I am a day dreamer, they come and they go and right now I am dreaming of traveling with my love so far we cannot get any further away before we start coming back. Well in essence that's me... YOU...!!!! Let’s see....: hmmm....!! Girly, sharp, attractive, fashionable and beautiful inside... Oh!! Almost forget... You have to be good at doing nothing sometimes, that way I can watch you and miss you. Have a big hug, Jerry
52 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Seeking: Female 25 - 45
Smoke: Don't smoke
S̄wạs̄dī! Yindī pĕn xỳāng yìng thī̀ dị̂ phb khuṇ c̄hạn pĕn wiṣ̄wkr xāyu 52 pī thī̀rạk chīwit læa chı̂ welā nxk b̂ān h̄āk khuṇ t̂xngkār khır s̄ạk khn thī̀ ca phūd khuy d̂wy c̄hạn k̆ phr̂xm rạb fạng læa phelidphelin kạb kār s̄nthnā cheing lụk keī̀yw kạb thuk s̄ìng læa thuk s̄ìng meụ̄̀x c̄hạn mị̀ dị̂ thảngān h̄rụ̄x xxk pị s̄ảrwc phụ̄̂nthī̀ klāng cæ̂ng c̄hạn chxb thdlxng nı khrạw c̄hạn cheụ̄̀x mạ̀n nı kār chı̂ chīwit xỳāng tĕm thī̀ læa kĥn phb khwām s̄uk̄h nı s̄ìng thī̀ reīyb ng̀āy c̄hạn kảlạng mxng h̄ā khır s̄ạk khn thī̀rạk kār p̄hcỵ p̣hạy læa kār s̄nthnā thāng pạỵỵā h̄emụ̄xn kạn xārmṇ̒ k̄hạn thī̀ dī læa kār peid cı kŵāng pĕn khuṇs̄mbạti thī̀ c̄hạn chụ̄̀nchm nı tạwp̄hū̂ thī̀ xāc pĕn khū̀ khrxng c̄hạn yạng mxng h̄ā khır s̄ạk khn thī̀ mī khwām thayexthayān mī khwām h̄ĕn xk h̄ĕncı læa peid cı rạb kār lxng s̄ìng h̄ım̀«mị̀ ẁā ca s̄ảrwc meụ̄xng h̄ım̀ h̄rụ̄x dū h̄nạng s̄bāy «c̄hạn k̆ xyāk xyū̀ kạb khn thī̀ phr̂xm ca s̄r̂āng khwām thrng cả h̄ım̀ «læa mī khwām s̄ạmphạnṭh̒ thī̀ mī khwām h̄māy h̄āk khuṇ h̄lngh̄ıl nı chīwit læa phr̂xm thī̀ ca bæ̀ng pạn pras̄b kā rṇ̒ h̄ım̀«c̄hạn yindī pĕn xỳāng yìng thī̀ dị̂ rū̂cạk khuṇ! Hey there! It's great to meet you. I'm a 52-year-old engineer who loves life and spending time outdoors. If you need someone to talk to, I'm all ears and enjoy deep conversations about anything and everything. When I'm not working or exploring the great outdoors, I love experimenting in the kitchen. I firmly believe in living life to the fullest and finding happiness in the simple things. I'm seeking someone who shares my love for adventure and intellectual conversations. A good sense of humor and an open mind are qualities I appreciate in a potential partner. I'm also looking for someone who's ambitious, compassionate, and open to trying new things. Whether exploring a new city or having a cozy movie night, I'd love to be with someone ready to make new memories and have a meaningful connection. If you're passionate about life and ready to share new experiences, I'd be thrilled to get to know you!
