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Vincent 加拿大华侨
60 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Seeking: Female 25 - 39
如果有一天,你不再寻找爱情,只是去爱;你不再渴望成功,只是去做;你不再追逐空泛的成长,只是去修行;你的人生才真正开始。 (纪伯伦) If one day, you are no longer looking for love, only love; you are no longer a desire for success, only to do; you are no longer the pursuit of growth, just to fix; everything begins! (Khalil Gibran) 投胎时就没有活着回去的计划,既然人生的终点都是死亡,为什么不为自己的所爱所想全力以赴一次,也不枉来世一场,否则,怎么对得起自己这甘苦交织的一生! 岁月匆匆,来不及细看,就已然消逝;时光太瘦,无法挽留,悄悄的在指缝间溜走。遗憾与无奈是人生的常态,哀怨与指责不是在改变别人,而是在消耗自己。爬起来,弹掉泥土,奔跑吧,感受生命的狂野、自由与奔放! 理工男,土木系,又土又木,资质鲁钝,遇佳人亦会灵光咋现。从事工程项目计划与成本控制。从来不炒股票,但喜欢工程及资本的风险分析与控制。 一介书生,布衣草莽,行走天地之间,严谨务实,坦诚、爽快、干净、幽默风趣。血性男儿,能受天磨真铁汉,不遭人嫉是庸才!我们这一代人,优秀的都是拼命三郎,没有所谓的养生,经历岁月的洗礼,生活的煎熬,疾病缠身是正常的,假如你找寻自己的灵魂伴侣,请接受他(她)的身体现状,只有渣男自私无为,老了才会身体没有毛病! 家庭是男人的底气,鸟儿都不拆家,何况男人乎! 好男人有担当,为家庭、为社会、为国家去拼搏、去战死沙场,而不是一天到晚口蜜腹剑、沉迷酒色、玩弄女人。所以,鄙人是世俗眼中的无趣男人,不抽烟、不喝酒、不懂追女人、不识麻将牌。喜欢地缘政治、宏观经济、高科技、文化、宗教、历史,自制美食、锻炼身体、痴迷两情相悦、双向奔赴的生活! 我们都是上帝的杰作,是身、心、灵三位一体。因此,生命也可以分为三个层级: 一级,钱、权、色、利、情,属于物质生命。 二级,仁、义、礼、智、信,属于精神生命。 三级,静、松、通、空、灵,属于灵性生命。 为钱、权、色、情奔波的人,无法理解仁、义、礼、智、信的生命维度。同理,执着于仁、义、礼、智、信的人,也无法看懂静、松、通、空、灵的生命形态。 世上没有真正的强者,所谓的强者,是你所处的生命层级比对方高一个维度。同样的,世间也没有真正的高手,所谓的高手是你可以觉察自己的生命层级而上下兼容。 肉眼看世界,全是名利;天眼看世界,无尽轮回;法眼看世界,皆是因果;慧眼看世界,俱是心幻;佛眼看世界,满是慈悲。 话糙理不糙,不论男女,当我们把青春、美貌挥霍殆尽,猛然开悟,想找一个全身心爱自己的人,是超现实的幻想,没有付出怎会有收获,问题是你已经没有为对方付出的时间和资格。心智成熟的人会失败,但不会输。但是,人各有所求,对自己坦诚,余生活出真实的自己更为重要! Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. 秋天是第二个春天, 秋天的每一片叶子都是一朵花。 (Albert Camus 阿尔贝·加缪) 莫道桑榆晚,为霞尚满天。普通朋友(思想或人生经历相似、可以敞开心扉交流)或天选良人(熟谙两性相悦,亦懂山河万里),请微信或LINE视频联系(不能视频的勿添加)。善意提醒国内的女同胞:好男人白天都在工作,没有时间陪你聊天, 陪你聊天的应该是怎样的人,自己想吧!对深谙道德文化的人来说,性感的照片只代表性别与错失良伴,污秽之地只招惹苍蝇,优秀的男人躲得远远的,假如你真心找自己的爱人,要用心,情感无法交易,让对方了解你的优秀及与众不同才是正道!谦卑、感恩、惜福!愿天下有情人皆成眷属! 要找到自己心仪的伴侣,除去同频之外,首先考虑自己能给与对方什么,假如是单纯的喜欢,就保持距离吧,不要相互伤害。自私的人生,不会有善果!爱是一种能力,不爱也是一种能力,是心智成熟的人的标配! 爱情和婚姻的区别: 爱情是灵魂的需求,属于道德范畴;婚姻是社会的约定,属于法律范畴。 (Love talks about dreams and marriage tells you the reality of life). Enjoy the story herein below. A student asks a teacher, “What is love?” The teacher said, “to answer your question, go to the wheat field and choose the biggest wheat and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.” The student went to the field, go through the first row, he saw one big wheat, but he wonders….maybe there is a bigger one later. Then he saw another bigger one… But maybe there is an even bigger one waiting for him. Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he starts to realize that the wheat is not as big as the previous one he saw, he knows he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted it. So, he ended up went back to the teacher with an empty hand. The teacher told him, “…this is love… You keep looking for a better one, but when later you realize, you have already missed the person….” the student asked.“What is marriage then? The teacher said, “to answer your question, go to the cornfield and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.” The student went to the cornfield, this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake when he reaches the middle of the field, he has picked one medium corn that he feels satisfied, and come back to the teacher. The teacher told him, “This time you bring back corn…. You look for one that is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you get…. This is marriage.” 学生问老师:“什么是爱情?” 老师说:“为了回答你的问题,你先去麦田里选个最大的麦穗回来吧。 但规则是:你只能一边走一边选,不能回头。” 学生去了麦地,穿过第一排,他看到了一颗大麦穗,想选,但想了想,也许后边会有更大的麦子。 然后他看到了另一个更大的……但又犹豫,也许还有一个更大的在等着我。 后来,当他看完大半个麦田时,他发现这些麦穗,没有他之前看到的那么大,他知道自己错过了最大的麦穗,他后悔了。 于是,他最终两手空空地回到了老师那里。 老师告诉他:“这就是爱情,你一直在寻找更好的人,但后来发现,你已经错过了那个人!” 学生问道:“那什么是婚姻呢? 老师说:“要回答你的问题,你去玉米地里选最大的玉米回来吧。 同样的规则:只能通过一边走一边选,不能回头。” 学生去了玉米地,这次他倍加小心,不想犯上次的错误。当他走到田中央时,他摘了一颗他觉得满意的一个玉米,然后回到老师身边。 老师对他说:“这次你带回来了玉米……” 您想找到一个好的,并相信这是你得到的最好的,这就是婚姻。”
66 Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female
I believe in Communication and see where it leads us. Please do not ask me for promisses and planning our future before we even know each other. After talking to people on this site, I can say they fit in 3 categories: 1. The one desperate for marriage she is chatting with anyone. She talks to many and cares of none. Incapable of love, she hunts for security protection insurance and companionship. Why would she target marriage when most come here from failed marriages. Definition of insanity: Keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. 2. Another kind of woman is focusing on one man. She is genuinely interested to know him and understand him. She is focused on love more than anything. She understands what the real purpose is. I would like to talk to such a woman. 3. Strangely enough, there's another group of creatures who claim to be in Catgory 2 but actually belong to Category 1 (!?). These are the perfect liars. They lie so good that they actually believe they are sincere and totally believe their own lies. Strange creatures. I never understood why they talk to me and then jump back here to chat with other men. Which one are you? Many say the word love, but don't know what love is, it is not convenience security companionship or insurance; love shows the true character of a person; when you love somebody you are able to go through water and fire for that person; especially when times are tough. You also need to learn his love language same as he needs to learn yours as well. If you do not understand your man's love language you will end up separated after the euphoric "falling in love" period. That time will end at some point, it always ends. However, if you understand his love language and he understands yours then both can keep the fire alive and be happy for life. Falling in love is easy, staying in love needs work and learning, knowledge, patience. You need to educate yourself in that area if you want to have a happy long term relationship with a man.
57 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 27 - 60
As an independent entrepreneur, inventor, and musician, I have been an Executive Producer in film, Owned and Operated a Recording Studio/Media Lab, was the Managing Director of a UK Guitar Amplifier Company, Hiwatt - http://www.hiwatt.co.uk/ - and traveled extensively as a touring musician. I hold a issued patent in multiple countries. https://patents.google.com/patent/US9322641B2/en I had stage 4 cancer twice (they gave me many rounds of Chemotherapy, then Stem cell therapy after high dose chemotherapy and then radiation) - treatments from 2016-2020. My wife told me that when they said I wasn't going to make it the first time, she turned "off" as that was her emotional self-defense mechanism. I decided, regardless whether she helped when I was sick,,,,I was going no where....I mean I was going to live damn it!. I had kids that were still young then. Kids to finish raising , ideas like my patent to fulfill and a life to live. It was hard rebuilding myself but I can say I am strong again and am going to be stronger mentally, physically and spiritually. My wife had a death in her family close to her and I did what I could in the fall of 2022 and I helped close down her family farm. There was covid as well and then my father had a stroke on dec 22 2022 and died after a turbulent course of health care in August of this year. Together with the stress of raising kids, it killed our relationship I could not be a cheerleader anymore, so I guess it is no one's fault. I was adopted. I had hoped to have a successful marriage that could last as I didn't want to be like my father who left my mother on her own,. I am half Greek but half English from my Canadian father and then I was adopted as a baby into tough but big-hearted Scotch-Irish Canadian family. I had no brothers and sisters and had to work for my parents form the age of 5 but am grateful because I did not turn into the mush that some of my coddled fellow Candian men have turned into! I am separated but legally still married,,,,with two beautiful children - one boy 16 Thomas and one girl 13 Olivia - whom I support and have good relations. I raised them to be open minded worldly tough and self-reliant so I do not have to be concerned about moving on to another relationship. I know my kids will accept my new lady when she enters my life. I continue to financially support my kids. I am completely loyal to my woman but I hope that we stay young at heart and be prepared to work at our relationship with me for life. I want good times with my companion and hopefully they will want to travel with me and hopefully we can work together on some level. I want this to be the last relationship in my life. I will not judge or be jealous of my companion as we will be starting a new life. I might be interested in living in more than one country but want to keep my home in Canada. I would consider keeping an apartment in another county, including South Korea or the UK, where I used to work until 2020.
45 Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada
Seeking: Female 37 - 44
Hello! Well here we all are, curiously believing that somewhere out there is the true thing. Well, the following will probably convince you that I am not the one, but who knows! Originally form Spain, with some English roots. A strong longing for space and nature eventually took me and my young family to Canada. That was 14 years ago now. Life happens and marriages break. I've been alone for the last 5 years, except for my teenage daughter that spends at least half her time with me. She is growing up fast, and it won't be long until she is too busy to spend time with me. She doesn't know I'm on dating sites (I don't think), and she will be upset once she finds out. And she will not like you. She is a lovely caring person and can't help a little jealousy. Perhaps once she finds a boyfriend herself she will be more tolerant towards my own hopes. She is a bright, artistic and creative person. And my son, a kind and caring young man in his early twenties now, has been living in Spain for a couple of years. Most of my family are in Spain, and I go over to visit every other year or so. I would describe myself as kind, excessively gentle and out of synch with the world, which makes me love the solitude of nature as a less painful loneliness than that of being surrounded with well intentioned but incompatible people. I will hope you are always by my side for social events, and will probably disappoint you from time to time for not wanting to go to social events... Inoffensive, very honest and loyal. Ambitious, but not for career or experiences, but rather for time and space. I will often upset you by this need for solitude if, when I sometimes retreat even from you, you interpret it as fading love. Yet I will love you intensely, even when I seem distant. I will not show my love for you in public (unless I sense that you long for the display, and I will try against my instinct. This will likely not end well). I have a need for sadness that I satisfy with music, or movies (or both), and enjoy sad, tragic stories. Yet I think family and close friends will present me as very funny (quirky humour) and playful (I tend to prefer to interact socially by playing games). I enjoy comedies, and romantic comedies. I have a lot of admiration for Billy Connolly as a standup comedian, and enjoy Michael McIntire (I especially like the fact that he rarely criticises in his humor). I do laugh a lot, enjoying almost all humour. Especially some internet stuff!! Yet I will always retreat and return to my loneliness and sadness. I don't like to much happiness... Well if you are not convinced that I am some sort of psycho in disguise yet, you might want to ask your friends for help (although I personally don't think I am one). I will love listening to you when you come home and tell me all about your day, but will often say little in return. Sometimes my lack of communicating might upset you. I will see and feel your love just by body language, I have no need for constant communication for reassurance, and will be a poor parter to you if you do need it. A true honest smile of happiness, a sincere embrace when we see each other is more real to me than any words. Films: - What's Eating Gilbert Grape - Song Of The Sea - Grave Of The Fireflies - The Princess Bride - Social realism such as Ken Loach's movies -... Music is very important to me: - Clannad - Eminem - The Cranberries - Sad classical - Dire Straights - Manu Chao - Dead Can Dance - Dark techno - ... I regularly bash on a piano for my own satisfaction and love it, but I don't think I can call it playing... From a philosophy standpoint, I almost completely agree with Khalil Gibran's outlook. I love his work. I live on a nice plot of land outside a small city an hour flight from Vancouver (or a beautiful 8 hour drive), in and old little house that I am slowly renovating. Beautiful open British Columbia, full of trees and rivers, where I occasionally meet moose, deer, bear and many other fellows and I still feel honoured every time it happens (you will tire of me pointing them out to you!). The weather is spectacular; Spring always reveals itself as a desolate and unsightly brown landscape crushed flat by the weight of winter, but also vigorously exciting. As the snow melts, you can feel and hear ever increasing water trickles and streams, which will grow into raging rivers by the end of May, and you can sense the tension of life awakening in a slow burst of green. The winter silence is gone, birds will sing loudly. And the aroma of earth and vegetation slowly returns. We often have nice sunny days, but we also see stately storms passing by in the distance, with blurry gray skirts of rainfall below and the thick clouds above shining white and orange. Summer is greeted with an exuberance of green and flowers, often hot sunny days that call for a swim or canoe paddle in a river or lake, sometimes with passing thunderstorms that break the monotony. Autumn is my favourite season, with its slow, beautiful decline into amazing colors, fresh breezes, golden leaves flying, cloudy skies and a feeling of longing and melancholy. The most beautiful season, with sunsets that never fail to touch you. Finally comes the feared winter, a season for those seeking solitude and beauty. Snow comes and inexorably accumulates, sometimes in storms, sometimes in delicate showers. The landscape becomes a white wonderland, still and silent. The trees often struggling to hold all the snow, and sunsets of pink and purple that contrast between the snowy blanket shimmering blue and the dark grey sky. Sometimes we have weeks of bitter cold that only the brave will face outdoors. Harsh and beautiful. I am not discarding the possibility of relocating to your location, although it will take time. And I am currently in an ideal location anyway. But once I fall in love I will go off to find you wherever. If only you liked it here as much as I do... Congratulations!! You have now completed your mini-course on how to identify weirdo's!
39 Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 18 - 22
I'm a tech enthusiast, optimist and most importantly, always working on improving myself. I'm a very positive person. Lots of people consider themselves positive, but I'm the guy in my family that can remain in a good state even when things are at their worst. Interests: -Science / Technology (Built my career on it) -Travel, Especially luxury travel -Video Games -Working out (weights) -Cosplay -Anime -Cute girls, especially ones who like alternative fashion like lolita, corsetry, steampunk, etc. Or simply very girly/feminine fashion too. I like all the big mainstream forms of media - tv, movies, games and even the odd book. My tastes are everything awesome - if it's rated high on IMDB chances are I've seen it and enjoyed it. Though also enjoy some more obscure stuff, especially Japanese video games and anime. I just enjoy all the best things in life. I have a good sense of humor and will do anything for a laugh. I can often make pretty much anyone crack up laughing given enough time. I'm extremely reliable, very loyal, would NEVER cheat on any girl in any way, or date anyone not single. I put a lot of effort into every interaction I have, and appreciate girls who put in similar effort. I'm happy to lead and do the majority of the planning, but if you simply never engage me and it's 100% one sided, you will lose me. I travel the world, living the dream, hoping someday to find a companion to join me on this incredible journey. FAQ: Why are you here? I'm attracted to filipina women. I'm very generous and very willing to do what it takes to make a girl there happy. Hopefully eventually get her a visa to relocate to Canada and live an incredible life. Travel the world, be truly free and not hampered by the rather limited filipino passport. I'm also not against the idea of relocating myself since my work has moved entirely online in the last few years, so I can run my business anywhere in the world with a good internet connection.
58 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Seeking: Female 18 - 41

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