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70 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 31 - 50
45 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 49
47 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 26 - 45
53 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 37 - 52
Compassion for everyone - hatred for nobody........................................... From loneliness to togetherness with the Promised MessiasAS and Imam Madhi, all other creeds of faith have been extinguished and invalid except "No one is worthy of worship except Allah - Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah" Before over 120, the Imam Madhi was expected according to the prophecy. He appeared as Imam Madhi & Promised Messiah AS, son of Mary, as announced in all book religions to unite all under the Shahada, but was just experiencing bitter opposition from Muslims. This was also prophesied. Allah promised him his support and elevation over all the other 72 sects of Islam and other people in general. Now this light, this dark age, is successful in over 210 nations. The ark of Noah of the end times (this time however mentally his claim and the name Ark indicates a terrible catastrophe) has anchored in all countries of the earth. Save yourself! Islam, as everyone sees outside the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, is weak, divided, and Muslims enjoy neither guidance nor support from Allah. Muslims are today considered as so-called Jews of the end times, as prophesied, and there is no sin that is not to be found in their men, women and children. Allah does not support Islamic kings and rulers, this shows the state of these countries and the world as a whole. Only the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat enjoys all promised blessings, the affection and love of Allah and their steady progress of the one hundred-year-old caliphate and the now 5th head of several tens of millions Muslims, the 5th caliph of the world, in the stead of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW, Who humbly leads creation to Allah without ceasing. Subhanallah. These conditions were prescribed by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah, and published on January 12, 1889 in Ishtihar Takmil-e-Tabligh. These are principles that are exclusively and strongly anchored in the Holy Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) ): 1. That he/she will stay away from the Shirk (the connection of a partner with God) until the day of his/her death. 2. That he/she should be free from falsehood, fornication, adultery, eye transgressions, debauchery, To keep debauchery, cruelty, dishonesty, nonsense and rebellion away; and not to be carried away by passions, however strong they may be. 3. That he/she regularly performs the five daily prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); And shall do his best to regularly perform the Tahajud (supreme prayers before dawn) and to call upon Durood (blessing) for the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him); That he/she should make it his/her daily routine to ask forgiveness for his/her sins, to remember God's gifts and to praise and glorify him. 4. That under the impulse of any passions he/she may not cause any harm to the creatures of Allah in general and to Muslims in particular, either by his/her tongue, his/her hands or in any other way. 5. That he/she should remain faithful to God in all circumstances, in grief and happiness, adversity and prosperity, in happiness and trial; And under all circumstances will be subject to the counsel of Allah and be prepared to endure all kinds of humiliation and suffering in his own way, and will never turn away from it when there is any danger of misfortune; on the contrary, he/she shall march forward. 6. That he/she refrains from following unIslamic customs and lewd inclinations and to submit fully to the authority of the Holy Qur'an; and he/she should make the Word of God and the sayings of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings may be upon him) the guiding principle in every sphere of life. 7. That he/she completely renounces pride and vanity and spends his/her entire life in humility, cheerfulness, forbearance and gentleness. 8. That he/she should consider the faith, the honor of faith and the cause of Islam to be more valuable than his/her life, wealth, honor, children and all other dear people. 9. That he/she will only be concerned with the service of God's creatures for His sake; and will endeavor to benefit mankind from the best of their God-given abilities and powers. 10. That he/she may enter into a fraternal covenant with this humble servant of God, and promise me in all good obedience for the sake of Allah, and remain faithful to him until the day of his/her death; That he/she should show such a high devotion to this bond as is found in any other worldly relationship and connection that requires devotional duty.
35 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 26 - 36
42 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 60
37 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
40 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 45
Ich mag lange Wanderungen innerhalb Deutschlands, aber auch darüber hinaus wie den Sentier des Douaniers (Zöllnerweg) in Nordfrankreich und fände es schön, hier andere wanderbegeisterte Menschen zu treffen. (English version on the bottom) Außerdem bin/mag ich: Kino (alle Genres querbeet, Disneyklassiker, moderne Animationsfilme, Coen Bros., auch Retrokino, wo Klassiker gezeigt werden z.B. Cabaret grad erst uvm.) Serien Schlafen Sport aktiv (Schwimmen, Laufen, TT, Badminton) Sport passiv (Tennis, Basketball, Skispringen, Fussball) Natur/Spazieren Reisen Tiere Videospiele (Point-and-Click Monkey Island, Daedelic, Retrokram wie Kirby Mario, League..) Restaurantbesuche nicht materialistisch (Erfahrungen sind meine wertvollsten Besitztümer) Vegetarier (musst du nicht sein) Konsumiere weder Alkohol noch Zigaretten (kannst du auch anders handhaben) Gehe gern weg, aber kein Partytyp. Jeden Tag mit vielen Leuten etwas zu unternehmen würde mich schnell erschöpfen. Viele Grüße ps. Suche hier nicht nur nach Partnerschaft, sondern auch Freundschaften mit ähnlichen Interessen/Ansichten. Gerne auch von weiter weg. Wichtig ist mir trotzdem, dass man Initiative zeigt, ab und zu etwas gemeinsam unternimmt. Eine reine Online-/Schreibfreundschaft möchte ich nicht. pps. Fahre oft zu Tennisturnieren (als Zuschauer), also wenn es hier Leute gibt, denen Nadal, Baghdatis, Muguruza... ein Begriff sind, SCHREIBT MIR!!! :D Bin auch gerne bei ALBA in der Halle. ppps. Droggelbecher! I like long walking/hiking tours in Germany, but also abroad, like the sentier der douaniers in Northern France (French camino). So I'd also be delighted to meet people here who share my interest in these activities. Besides, I am/like: cinema (all genres, Disney classics, modern animation, Coen Bros films, also retro movie theaters that show older films like Cabaret recently) TV series sleeping sports (swimming, running, table tennis, badminton) watching sports (tennis, basketball, ski jumping, football) nature, long walks in the nature travelling animals video games (point-and-click like Monkey Island, Daedelic, retro stuff like Kirby, Mario... League of Legends) restaurant visits not very materialistic (experiences are my most precious possessions) vegetarian (you don't have to be) don't drink alcohol, don't smoke (same as above, everybody's own choice) I like going out, but not a big fan of partying. Meeting tons of people every single day would quickly exhaust me. Thanks for reading :) p.s. not just looking for romance here, also for friendships and people with similar interests. Distance is not important, expressing interest for joined activities is what matters, even if it's just once a year. Not looking for an exclusive texting relationship. p.p.s I like going to tennis tournaments, so if you are familiar with Nadal, Baghdatis, Muguruza, go ahead and SHOOT ME A MESSAGE :D Also like visiting games of the local Berlin basketball team. p.p.p.s Droggelbecher!
30 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
28 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 30 - 52
38 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 28 - 48
42 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 25
48 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 26 - 42
54 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 28 - 47
58 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 31 - 52
53 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 27 - 40
41 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 30 - 44
61 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 31 - 50
36 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 25



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