
Average Height British Men

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40 Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 24 - 35
Height: 5'7" (171 cm)
Hi, I'm Shane, a British Chinese, born and grew up in Hangzhou, just like most of the city's children of that time. It's also a single child. I am currently a software engineer at the headquarters of a bank in the southwest of England. Although I am located around the bustling world city of London, my job is so narrow that I am still a single person. I believe that the mutual love of men and women is the foundation for the formation of a couple's family, but the strong economic background is also the guarantee of a happy life for the family. After decades of real estate investment and inheritance, our family now has a solid financial strength, which can ensure that our future family lives are rich and abundant. I have always been healthy and energetic. And always working hard. My friends all think that I am sincere and reliable, and I am not a little bit of humor. I am easy to deal with, empathize with, and tolerate others. Hello, I am Shan, a China born British. I was born and raised in Hangzhou, the most beautiful city in China. Like the most Of urban children at that time, I was the only child of my parents. I immigrated from China to UK in year 2004 to join my Parents, because the years ago my dad was offered a position to work in a high tech company in UK after completing his post PhD in Germany. I am currently working as a software engineer in the headquarters of a bank located in southwestern England. Although Swindon, the town where I am living and working is only about 1:40 driving distance from the bustling World metropolis of London, the nature of my job restricts the opportunity of my girlfriends making, so I am still a Single. I agree that move between a man and a woman is the basis for forming happy and consistent family, but a solid Economic background is also the guarantee for such a family to be existing and to be long lasting. Formerly, after Decades of real estate investments and property inheritance, both of my parents and I now have a very solid economic Strengthen, which will free me from any worries on my finance. I have always been healthy and energetic. Always work Very hard. In the eyes of my friends, I am a sincere, reliable, easy-going and humorus person.
44 Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 34
Height: 5'9" (176 cm)
As'Salamualikum, right where do I start.... First thing first, photos don't do justice to my appearance. There ain't enough pixels in the image to do justice to this wonderful creation of Allah. I know I'm no Brad Pit, but a bit of photo shop tinkering can yield some amazing results, don't worry no photoshoping done in the picture. I'm originally from Camden in north London and lived there for about 29 years before moving to Hertfordshire. Ok now the important stuff. I'm a young(ish) man of a mild nature that is not materialistic, who finds pleasure in living as best to ones ability in accordance with the personality of our beloved prophet(PBUH). By the way i do have hair, i just decide to have it shaved off (Just for all those Sisters who think i might have a receding hair line, I'm blessed by Allah with fine thick black hair) A bit about my personality: people say that i am quite a reflective and compassionate person who will put others first before himself. i can be serious when need to be, but a very jovial person to be around. Some of my bad traits: If you ever fancy a quite stroll in the park, it wont be quite i'm afraid, because i would be ranting a raving about the beauty of nature and patterns on the leaves trees etc etc (thankfully i have yet to reach that stage where i talk with the plants) love looking at the stars and reflecting on Allah's blessing to us (here i can rant and rave on a bit as well). Very fussy about my Black Coffee, and i mean very fussy. Good traits. I don't talk much :-) addicted to the GYM (haven't seen much change, ohhhh i think i should actually use the machines and not use it to catch up with friends) Takes a lot of effort and energy to wind me up (no point, use the energy to spar with me). I have a great sense of humour, i can promise you will not be feeling down when you're with me. Insha'Allah. My motto in life is that if you can go a day without making someone upset or do something to bring a bit of happiness in someone's life, even if it be a smile then you have fulfilled a part of your deen. my favorite past time include reading and hiking up Mountains (not at the same time of course!) and photography. My preferred reading subjects can range from ancient Egyptian History to books on Islam and other of, I've also rediscovered the passion for reading fiction novels. I used to be a music fanatic, but alhamdulillah, i'm trying to move away from it. However I have a weakness and soft spot for gnawa and rai so it's kind of difficult. I plan on Insha'Allah taking up a course to make an in depth study of the Qur'an, the passion for the Qur'an has some what intensified over the few years, i have had been blessed by Allah to spend 3 weeks in Makkah and Madina Ramadan 2010, and hope to go there again Insha'Allah with my other half. I currently work for the London Underground as a Customer service assistant; which I thoroughly enjoy. Previous employment was with Nat West Bank, which i left on the ground of the employment not being compatible with my conscience. I Studied at Kings College BSc Microbiology for 1 year, and then left without completing the degree. I then went on to study BSc Computer Science at Middlesex University where i completed 2 years and then got bored of the subject and left University. cant think of anything to write at the moment, shall update profile in due course Insha-Allah. if you're still with me after the essay, well thank you for holding on, next the important bit Insh'Allah.
25 Lambeth, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 19 - 33
Height: 5'9" (176 cm)