
Christian British Men Interested in Friendship

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60 Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 51
Religion: Christian
57 Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 38 - 51
Religion: Christian
STAY AWAY IF YOUR PROFILE IS 35 ATTRACTIVE, OFFERING WhatsApp ID. I'M NOT STUPID, PROFESSIONAL SCAMMERS Do you really expect me to believe that many 35 year old very attractive models are interested in me. Go away. I am honest, caring, romantic person seeking someone special to share and enjoy life with. I am very much a romantic person , i hope and believe there is someone out there for everyone. I am looking for my soul mate, somone who is my best friend, can talk about anything with, share lifes up's and downs, support each other and enjoy life together. I can seem fairly quiet at first but come out of my shell the more i get to know people. I have a good sense of humour, which can be sometimes dry, sarcastic, and I enjoy making people smile. I'm young at heart and friends have told me i look young for my age. I'm open, honest, genuine, considerate, kind, reliable and a romantic person, and thoughtful when it comes to others. I can be quite calm and laid back I believe in a work life balance as life's to short to spend all time working. I enjoy travelling and visiting interesting places, going for drives or walks, dining out, I also like coffee shops . I'm happy relaxing at night in front of the TV or watching DVD's,spending quiet nights in (with someone special) or going to the cinema, dining out. I've had more sad than happy moments in my life, so i'm looking to make up for that now and i'm looking for someone special to share and enjoy life with. Someone who is romantic, kind, caring, considerate, sensitive and trusting, it would be nice but not essential to also have similar interests to me.
42 Boston, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Religion: Christian
WHATSUP IS +FOUR FOUR SEVEN FOUR SIX SIX SIX NINE THREE EIGHT ZERO SEVEN Hi. My name is Nuno, 43, Portuguese, living in Boston, UK. My profile is currently on standard mode and unfortunately, I am not able to afford its subscription. When you build a relationship with someone, it should be for free, but I guess these days everything has a price tag. I am an individual who speaks the truth, I never hide anything from anyone and I believe, when you are honest with yourself, others will follow you. I would say that I am expressive, genuine, respectful and someone who is forthcoming and to the point. There are times when I feel that my forwardness can be harsh and it may ward off some people, but, do not fear, I do not bite, I am not here to hurt your feelings or waste your time. Stubborn, obstinate and someone with a complex personality. I have been insecure for a while now due to past experiences I had in my life and it is time that I take a different path and move on with my life. I can no longer waste the time I have left thinking about the past, as I will never look into the future. I have always given up, low confidence and no self-worth. I am always turning down opportunities that would make me a better version of myself-employment, studying, and even travel abroad and meet people. I cannot carry on with this path and destroy the time I have left. I have to open my eyes, be positive and concentrate on what is important. I have been single most of my life, I have never found a woman who could appreciate the qualities I have. Most women would rather have a man with good looks, stability etc. I am not financially stable and I do not have a good foundation to cater for a relationship at the moment, but anything is possible. I can still conquer that stability. I know that on this sort of dating website, one should not talk a lot about personal stuff or what financial situation one is in, but, I am giving you the full picture of who I am, what life I am living and what I am aiming for. I have always believed in the power of love and its effect it has on people, however, love cannot be catered if one does not have stability. Distance can also be a major problem for those who are far away and are unable to travel, and in my case, that would be very difficult. People have always advised me to find a woman who lives locally and that is not so far away, however, I tried all of that, going out, etc, it has never worked for me, that is my personal experience, so my experience is my own reflection. It makes sense, because of the costs involved etc, it would be nice if I could find someone locally, or someone who lives here in the United kingdom. I do not shut my doors to love or to someone who lives abroad and who has an interest in me, but, let me make you aware, I do not have the foundations you are probably looking for, I live in the United Kingdom, and I am not financially stable, and I am just an average man, who is unsure of moving out of the country and who is also unsure of having kids. If a woman is interested in me and has kids, I am not sure if I am the right person for you, but anything is possible, so I do not close my doors to happiness because of that. I am not a religious person and I have never been, even though I was baptized etc, I am sure there is a god out there or something that allows other people to have a spiritual connection to the world they live in. If your goal is to contact me for the purpose of getting a visa, well mate, you are in for a surprise, the law here in the U.K is changing, and the person who lives in here has to earn at least, £38.000 pounds to bring his/her spouse to uk, which is something I do not even earn as a cleaner. I EARN LESS THAN 12000, so you better find someone who earns that amount of money. I am out of your league, and I wouldn't marry a woman for her financial ends. I am not interested in meeting people who are controlling and obsessed in coercing you to believe in a particular religion. I believe in whatever I want and if that person who talks to me doesn't like what I am saying then I am not the person who you should be talking to. I enjoy my freedom and it is inadmissible to have someone controlling it for you, subduing you as a person and making you feel like a puppet. I am an individual who enjoys traveling, meeting people, socializing, reading books about anything, languages, non-fiction, stuff like that. I am respectful, outgoing, forthcoming and I hate liars, I can't stand them, especially those who attempt to manipulate others for other ends. I have enough for myself, it keeps me going. I'm not a materialistic individual, so if you are looking for a man with a lot of cash, I am not what you seek and I wish you good luck with that. If I knew there was a woman who had a lot of money, I would not be interested in her money or possessions, that means nothing to me. I don't really care about possessions, I care about feelings, emotions, those possessions are just rubbish. I am just giving a reality of who I am, how I think and what I like and dislike. I have a neutral stance, but I believe humans have the right to freedom, choice, free will and be able to reach their potential. If you are religious, good for you, follow it, but do not try to change me because I do not wish to follow any religion at all. Do not criticize me for not having kids or for being single or for being so upfront, that is who I am, straightforward and to the point. If you dislike my profile, you can find someone else to talk to. I can't always please everyone, I do not have to please everyone. Life is made of positives and negatives. Always ensure you're not wasting time on people who don't deserve your time, there's always someone who will love you, be there for you and give you the feelings you deserve. I have wasted a lot of time procrastinating on everything and I am sick and tired of wasting my time. I want to be happy, enjoy the time I have left and try to fulfill each day with happiness and joy. I have my ups and downs, it's part of life. I try to learn and have that knowledge and apply it to my reality, if I make mistakes that's learning, that's the way things are, you live and you learn. Let's be honest, dating websites are made to work, but I have my doubts about it. Anyways, I wish you all the luck in the world
73 Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 55 - 75
Religion: Christian
If you are looking for perfection, I am not the guy for you, But if you're looking for honesty, loyalty, romance, excitement, passion, fun, laughter and a whole lot more lovely things in this life, then I could be the perfect guy for you! I truly believe that Chinese ladies are loyal, sincere and faithful, so this is why I am here looking for only one. My favorite meal, that I cook at home is .. hot roast fresh Salmon, flash-fried garlic prawns with freshly chopped coriander added, fresh Italian egg Tagliatelle, purple sprouting broccoli, topped with freshly made Hollandaise sauce, served on a warm plate, with a glass of nice wine. I am solvent, no debts, responsible,good integrity, good decision maker, I am like an old fashioned type of gentleman, very well groomed and elegant always. I am a virgo, completely domesticated, excellent cook, I have an excellent sense of humour and will always make you laugh and smile, I love the Autumn, walking by the sea, which is not far from where I live, with beautiful beaches and golden sands and quaint old harbours, walking through the forest here and smelling the beautiful scents nature has to share with us.. I am looking every new day, for my soulmate, my best friend, my passionate lover and my true companion, all in one lovely woman and I will do everything I can to treat her in a way that I would expect and hope to be treated myself. I miss so much the scent of a woman in my life, her touch, her smile, her gentle laugh, her love, her closeness, her caress, her kiss, her private intimacy, all the simple and free things in this life that two people can share, that far too many take for granted, until it is too late, and they are gone forever from their lives. We have all made mistakes in our lives, as we get older the important thing is, never to make the same ones again. I have learned many things in my life, but a very important one is that how many people out there are unhappy with who they are with, but for various reason tolerate it and just live that way, then they realise many years have passed them by, then it's too late to change For me, the 'age gap' is not the most important thing between two people, it's the 'life gap' between two people that matters most, how many people do we all know who are similar ages and live together and have miserable and unhappy lives!! I am really very young for my age, in my outlook to life, to understanding others, in looking after my body and keeping my mind where it should be " God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the Difference " No one can change what has happened in the past, we can only change what we do if the future, HAPPINESS - Cry, Forgive, Learn, Move on, and let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness 'I am looking to find the last woman in my life' If you think I am someone you would want to be with, who could make you happy,smile and laugh every day, who could give you the love, respect and adoration you have never experienced before, then please come and find me, I am close, sincerely, Jim
42 Boston, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 38
Religion: Christian
 Hi. Thank you for your visit. It is really hard to talk about oneself here, but I can always give it a try. Dating sites/Relationship sites aren't for everyone, but if we give it a try we can find out if it works or not. The taste is in the pudding and that is why I am here, to taste that pudding, and if that taste isn't the flavor that matches with each other, then there is always a path we take and hope for a brighter future. I am not going to portray that I am simple or a person who is perfect, because I am not perfect in any way. I have imperfections, like everyone and I love them, as that gives me a reason to live and improve them in every way I can. I am a cauldron of emotions, I can be stubborn, obstinate, nervous, anxious, and all the other emotions, but I can also be a jolly, merry, and happy go lucky individual who tries to live life to the best of my ability. As a matter of a fact, I am always trying to bring a bit of happiness to those I get in contact with, and even those who I interact with. That is who I am, I do not enjoy watching others suffer, I try to make a positive impact in someone's life, and if that positive impact brings any joy, then I feel that I am doing something good. I love to see people enjoying themselves, their lives and love for themselves, that is what we all should have-Love around, respect, friendship and everything else life has to offer. Enough of the above, now, let me tell you about myself in more detail- I am Nuno Miguel, 42, single, I have never been married, I don't have any kids and I am completely single, yes, I have never been into a relationship, even though I have tried numerous times getting into a serious relationship. I am not that fussy, but it is obvious that when you want to have someone in your life, you have a certain criteria in who you wish to have around you and in your life. Do you think that we need a criteria? Of course we do, you need to have someone that respects you, knows about you, your feelings, someone who is your soulmate, your friend and above all, sees you for who you are. That is the criteria I am talking about. I am not sure whether a relationship through this site is the right choice, but it can be a base that can serve as a platform to meet people and see how real this experience can be. If I have been single all this time, it is not because I am not trying, I am indeed trying, otherwise I would not be here writing about myself and the person I am. When you find a person who sees you for you, then you know that you are wanted, that you feel loved etc, but when you do not find a person that does not feel the same way for you, then, you go separate ways and move on. Being single has its advantages and disadvantages, the first one is, you do not have to answer to anyone about your life, what you do etc, you own your life and you have your independence to do whatever you like. The disadvantage is- you feel lonely at times, you feel that you are alone in the world, even if you have friends, family etc, it is not enough to fill the gaps of your heart and soul, that is why, having a person that can see you for who you are, can make that loneliness a thing of the past. I am not sure what the future holds for me, that is why I try to live life each day, as I do not plan anything for tomorrow. I live today, and my today can be a journey to wonderful things. There are things people here wish to have in their lives, such as-Kids. Do I want kids in the near future? - I am not sure about that, as I have never thought about having kids, I admire those who have them. It is not too late to have them, but I am not sure about having kids. There will be plenty of people who do not want kids, or are not sure about having them. As I never had a relationship with a woman who has kids, I am not sure if we are compatible, but there is nothing that can stop us both from trying, see if we are on the same level, if we are not, then, I am sure you will find someone who will be comfortable in talking to you and respect you for who you are. As I said in the beginning, I am not perfect in any way, I am not here to draw a picture of a perfect person, because I am not, I am always open and I am like a book, what you see is what you get. I can be like a caudron, I can be positive, optimistic at one point and I can be drawn to feel unhappy, lonely and depressed. Life is like that, you know, you live and you learn. I have had a few opportunities to be at a stage in my life where I could have a good career etc, but as a young person in the past, I was not thinking of education, always insecure about myself, always thinking that the time would not be against me and allow me to live life the way I want it. I was so wrong about that, and it is without a doubt that I regret not taking action at that time. Opportunities come and go, but now they are not coming and it is really hard now to get any opportunities, but I do not feel despair, I feel positive and I am hoping for a better future. I am a person who respects every single person, it does not matter where you are from, what color of your hair is or even the color of your skin, I will always respect you no matter what, just bear this in mind. I have family spread around the world, Brazil, Angola, France, Spain and Portugal, so, I have received a lot of input as a young child, and I love it. I am not that religious, I do not go to any church or anything like that, but I respect those who do, because respect should be given to everyone who believes in what they follow, and even to those who do not. I think this is all I can say for now. Thank you
55 Stafford, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 30 - 57
Religion: Christian
I'm Kevin,' Pick me or you could spend rest of your life missing me! I like to talk a lot, So communication isn't a problem for both parties, So don't be shy The best way to get to know someone on how they feel inside, Making a new partner feel comfortable around you and at ease, Trust is important for me, It's the foundation built for making a strong relationship that lasts forever, Something I've come to realize over the years , It may come as a surprise to some here, Because I've been single divorced for 17 years ,, I think you get the picture hmm! There will or may be ladies-Women here i think will understand this and have come to the same conclusion right ? So don't fear to talk when you message me because I'm very down to earth and a good listener and i like to help people, I'm not perfect but i'm truly a nice person. Here's something about Me and the one I'd Like to Meet? Past hurt has held me back ! I have been here for quite a while now ' I'm still looking for my one true love after all this time , ' I'm happy and easy going guy, I'm down to earth and good to talk to, I'm a good listener and have a strong shoulder for those in need of advice, I've helped many over the years but now i think it is time i think of me, I'm honest and fair and speak my mind, Besides, It's always good to hear the truth .' I'm kind loving and gentle' I'm happy and funny' I'm 53 years and not getting any younger' But I'm young at heart : My family say I look good for my age but I know it will change! I am looking for someone special, Someone that reminds me of me. I used to be gold member but now I'm green member here now so to know me more, I am on Skype, Thanks and love. I can translate to understand the both of us to make it easier..Thank you for reading my profile :-)
43 Kensington and Chelsea, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 50
Religion: Christian
31 Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 20 - 36
Religion: Christian
54 Newham, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 56 - 56
Religion: Christian
55 Lambeth, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 60 - 79
Religion: Christian
56 Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 28 - 70
Religion: Christian
71 Gosport, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 50 - 96
Religion: Christian
53 City of London, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 60
Religion: Christian
38 Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 21 - 30
Religion: Christian
59 Greenwich, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 43 - 53
Religion: Christian

