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Masters Degree

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44 San Antonio, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 29
Education: Masters Degree
Whatever My passions and purposes… I have as a Man… I boldly, assertively… and yes… even dominantly pursue said ambitions and goals… to fruition. Veni… vidi… vici. As such, I am a Man at the height of My powers… and success… and you are a beautiful young woman at the threshold of your endless possibilities… and immense potential. And Together with you… I truly enjoy traveling and exploring foreign cities by day… poking in and out of quaint little cafes… bakeries… and bistros… tasting exotic dishes… sampling strange and unique delicacies… relishing gourmet foods… savoring the local wines and traditional beverages… viewing the astonishing sights and magnificent landscapes… and meeting new and interesting people… whilst experiencing and immersing… in the indigenous people’s distinctive cultures and native customs. The travel destination in itself is not of paramount importance to Me… what really Matters most to Me… is the unique… “joie de vivre”… feeling of just being with you… and sharing the incredible travel Experience with you… of the unexpected… and the fleeting beauty of foreign lands, fascinating people and novel cultures resonating within Us… whilst enhancing the Essence of Our Lives….Together. Then, after a full exhilarating day of Our vibrant exploration of the city… returning back to Our luxurious hotel suite… resting and relaxing for a bit… cuddling up Together for a while… dressing up in fashionable attire… then Together venturing into the nightfall of the sparkling city for a romantic, elegant candlelight dinner… followed by refreshing signature cocktails and spirits… whilst dancing Our precious hearts and souls away… all through the captivating night. A memorable evening… cherished Together… filled with pulsating excitement… never-ending fun… and continuous laughter throughout. And for those beautiful women… herein this notable site… who are a little more simple and conservative in their respective adventurous tastes and pleasures… I also sincerely enjoy spending a seemingly quieter day and evening with you as well… such as Together attending the fine art galleries… browsing the historic museums and other nouveau artistic exhibitions… sauntering about exotic botanical gardens… relaxing Together under the sparkling sun at a lush green park… or sunbathing at an exotic golden beach… and having a cozy delicate picnic lunch coupled with sharing a sensuous bottle of Pinot Noir… whilst engaging in stimulating intellectual conversation with each Other. Later in the evening… Together enjoying a charming romantic dinner at a unique local café serving native delicious cuisine. Afterward, Together possibly attending a Ballet performance… a Theatre show… a Symphony ensemble… or just simply listening to the rhythmic musical beats of a local city band. And culminating the enjoyable evening… by leisurely strolling Together… hand in hand… along the rolling waves of a glistening moonlit beach or upon the marble stones of a grand promenade… under the warm glow of the Bella Luna beaming upon Us… whilst anxiously contemplating Our very first soft Kiss of the evening… the initial opening of Our precious hearts and souls… continuing passionately into the darkness of the late-night… and through the sunrise hours of the early morning. What really turns Me on… and truly excites Me beyond measure… are beautiful women whose precious hearts are deep and loving… who are honest and trustworthy… who dream big… who have positive energy… who have burning desires and passions --- and who will strive relentlessly to see their respective visions and dreams… Come to Life. Life is Beautiful. Yet, in today’s hectic and chaotic world, too many women are unfortunately ostensibly jaded or negative in their respective views of Life. However, on My first impression of you… the lovely and courageous women herein this interesting site… all have a certain “je ne sais quoi”… which distinguishes you from other women. Moreover, you are seemingly positive… full of Life… energy… enthusiasm… and optimism… just like Me. We will dream big Together… We will explore each Other and discover this beautiful World… and We will have fun activities and exciting adventures Together… and much more… for there is no limit whatsoever to Our daring ambitions and aspirations. And Together with Me… you will fondly receive My devoted Mentorship… Strength… Security… and Knowledge… throughout Our inspiring journey hereafter. A part of My own personal appeal and moral character… is stemming from My own Adventurous and Well-traveled inspiring excursions and endeavors… bringing forth unto Me… Worldly Understandings… Rewarding Experiences… Gallant Accomplishments… and Profound Wisdom… learned along the way. And thus, throughout these enriching years of Mine, such undertakings were prudently cultivating and grooming Me... into becoming a more Ambitious… Bold… Confident… Powerful… Successful and Chivalrous Gentleman. With all due respect to you… and fortunately for Me at this time, I am completely quite happy in My life…, and I am rather content being on My very own… for I am Independent and have Choices. In addition, I fully live… an amazing and exciting life. Accordingly, I actually do not need any conventional woman to settle down with… just to have an ordinary relationship per se. For instance, some people are seemingly interested in just having a superficial connection with another person which possibly leads to a mere ordinary physical relationship… and nothing more substantial and firmly grounded with shared morals, principles and an intense emotional connection… which on the surface seems rather hollow. Au contraire, I desire and seek a deeper connection with you… for I truly believe in spending quality time really getting to know you… to determine whether We share common core values… firm beliefs… mutual experiences… related opinions… sensual desires… and moreover, to subtly ascertain whether there is a continuous magical resonance emanating and flowing between Us. Accordingly, I desire and seek much more from you... a truly remarkable woman… to fulfill and complete... My mind... heart… body... soul... and spirit. Our very own unique attributes, qualities and values… delicately intermingling Together… and in essence becoming United as One. Having a great and extraordinary relationship… with a very special and beautiful woman like yourself... and together with your esteemed unconditional Love for Me... is one of the most important and fulfilling aspects of a true Gentleman’s Life... a Life well lived. All the same… and Together with My Guidance… Experience… and Leadership, you are going to truly Love... what is about to come into your Life… with Me. For instance, you will be attaining… breathtaking Experiences… fascinating Adventures… the expanding of your horizons beyond your Imagination… and learning New and Innovative things... coupled with My warm Affection… Culture… Respect… Romance... Understanding… and much more… fondly given unto you… for you to Lovingly cherish… and treasure… for many years to Come. Your precious time spent with Me… shall be a rewarding and memorable experience… on your Life’s journey in seeking Happiness… Fulfillment… Pleasure… and Enlightenment.
55 Los Angeles, California, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 38
Education: Masters Degree
UPDATE // Profile was written before when I used to travel a lot. Presently, I rarely fly out of USA, so if you are in another country, chances are I will not fly to meet or just travel to your country for leisure and meet that way. If you are planning to visit to Los Angeles are then sure, no problem. If distance relationship develops I can provide all accommodations in best places possible. I am not a dorky desperate man to offer fiancée visa to women whom I never met neither. Also, if you are trying to find a man just to get out of your country, maybe the problem is not the country but you. People can be happy in less developed countries and very unhappy in places like USA, it mostly depends on personal circumstances first, then circumstances out of your control. So, take this into consideration before spending time on communication with me. I value your time, so you value mine too. ////UPDATE. Will communicate only if you have (everyone has) and want to share facebook/vk,ok,twitter, linked in etc for me to know who you are, who are your friends, relatives, where you work/study see history of your activities/lifestyle. Not that you can always learn a lot about a person that way (though sometimes you can) but it can give a good idea who that person is, especially with verified info. I can show you my online info with tons of stuff published - vacations, workplace, friends etc. and you can have some idea who I am, though you will not know me of course. For that personal contact is needed. People can live for decades together and still don't know each other and at the end one can backstab or betray the other. However, if we do online dating, then let's use its advantages, if not, then I don't think it makes sense to initiate or respond communication with me. I respect your time, you respect mine. Age is 55 but CAC score is 18, FBS - 85-95, RHR 65-72, BP 115/75 on both arms and legs, TC 130-140, and I still have 15 kilos to lose. Also, clean genetic predisposition as per tests, Mensa member, in USA since 2000 but already semi-retired, working on projects not because I have to but because I want to. Since ex was an alcoholic, I saved reproductive tissues at much younger age. I also consider myself an expert in nutrition, healthy living etc. ///// Looking to have a nice interesting communication. There are lots of people out there, so there should be some with whom communication will be pleasurable and interesting. Pretty easygoing person here who is able to get along with almost anyone. I am single with no kids because of problems with my ex whom I just could not dump, but now I am single, in excellent shape to catch up what's missing in personal life with the right woman.
67 Seattle, Washington, United States
Seeking: Female 35 - 55
Education: Masters Degree
What I like to do: sharing, reading, biking, hiking, kayaking, flying, rowing, adventure travel, sunset walks, cooking, gardening, meditating, sailing, yoga, workingout, deep philosophical discussions, laughing, being silly, communicating, affection, caring, you name a few. I like a wide variety of music, especially oldies and classical I spend some time in San Diego, after living there 15 years, and could spend more time in San Diego, but live in Mill Creek near Seattle. The best of both worlds, pacific northwest's natural beauty (at least in summer) and the sunshine of San Diego. I truly am an adventurous outdoor enthusiast, enjoying hiking to a highmountain lake for exercise and to enjoy the scenic beauty, best shared with a special life partner. I prefer a partner who can talk with me about anything, communication is essential to a longterm relationship, yet having fun is imperative to a happy life. I am affectionate and sensitive, but still a man, loyal, dependable, consistent, but adventurous. I am happy, realistically optomistic, humerous, fun loving, down to earth, yet can be sophisticated when necessary, but am always true, respectful and in awe of our universe. I have no political affiliation, but tend to error on the conservative with most issues, when I don't error on the liberal. I am serious about finding a life long relationship, but would welcome a friendship that is meant to potentially develop into a life long partnership. It takes a while to get to know some one to know if there is that compatibility, but we know immediately if there is potential. I don't like changing, and am not unduly picky. We all have many opportunities, but we must be true to our own hearts before we can be true to a partners. In a lifetime relationship, growth is inevitablely at least partially on a different path, and its the want to continue with a long term mutually gowing union that may be the most essential quality for two to make it happen. And having fun with this whole journey can make it all enjoyable. Health is one key to happiness, and Happiness to me is not a feeling, not having material possessions, or control, but happiness is a way of life, an attitude, a way of living that is connected to everything and everyone, the universe, animal life, plant life, the soil, rocks, air, space, water, time and the progression of civilization. Happiness is a oneness with all life, life force, energy, matter, and things we cannot imagine And living this association while being aware of it and enjoying being a part of it, no matter how major or insignificant. That is what is most important: to be, to know; and if influential, hopefully beneficial. As was so eloquently expressed by ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY, in David LaFlamme's song PLACE OF DREAMS "...And we are one with the earth and air, climbing the ascending stair, to the temple of the dawn. In a moment of time, after dreaming sublime, refreshed before the climb. We smile, and are gone. "
