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Masters Degree

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67 Miami Beach, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 50 - 60
Education: Masters Degree
For too long, I allowed my interests and passions to be pushed into the background by the very heavy requirements of my international career. Now I'm retired, financially successful, but without a soulmate. I am also trying renew some long neglected interests and dreams, and hoping to discover new ones. Life can be ironic, however. When i was young, I had many dreams and desires, but couldn't afford to pursue them, like everybody. When i was working, I could afford many of those dreams, however, I was working so hard, I had enough money, but not enough time to fulfill many of them. Then, when I retired, and had both enough money and enough time, many of the things I dreamed about were no longer as interesting to me. Especially alone, without a soulmate. Life is ironic! But no complaints. I've seen a lot during my life, and feel I have been extremely fortunate to be alive and able to laugh, to love, and to feel joy. I have an active and curious mind, and my interests range widely. I easily become passionate about ideas, concepts, trends, human relations (for better or worse), the future, technology, and ... the most important thing of all... finding, building & enjoying a loving, caring, suppotive lifetime relationship... Hopefully with a human being. Dogs and cats and rabbits and mice can be very affectionate and loving friends; but it's hard for them to understand some of my humor and deep thoughts, especially about philosophy, economics, politics, and a.i.'s impact on the stock market. (Although I think some of my dogs understood life better than I did!) On the other hand, dogs and cats, and especially rabbits and mice almost always agree with my perspectives, especially when it's time for me to feed them, and I can blackmail them into agreeing with me. (Or pretending to.) At least when they're hungry. Nevertheless, I'll accept a (human) lady, but only if she pretends she likes my humor --- and I'll pretend I believe her! Who could ask for anything more? A perfect marriage!!! Oh, it would also be good if she had a soul. And a heart. And her own teeth ... at least most of them. Attached to her mouth, not on the table by the bed, or on the floor where our jealous dog, or cat, or rabbit, or rats took them and hid them somewhere while she was sleeping ( I hope it's with me. And, if its NOT with me, then she deserves to have her teeth stolen by a rat😡!! Probablyn the one she's with🤣) ----- I have traveled to 60 countries, and lived in 6, including the US, (which is often the most difficult country of all of them.) I am intelligent (or I can pretend to be; at least I can pretend well enough to convince other people who are also pretending to be smart.) I'm well educated (MBA from an internationally famous university), successful, sometimes rational (except in the case of love ... and humor ... and dogs ... and quantum physics ... and ... rates c who steal teeth), interested about many issues, and have a very, very active sense of humor & irony. If you don't enjoy humor, I'm the wrong guy for you! In fact, I'm probably the wrong guy for you even if you DO enjoy humor. But at least I don't steal teeth! I live in an oceanfront Penthouse, and love having snacks and informal meals overlooking the ocean on my balcony--but would love it far more with you at my side. (Of course if we have a disagreement, and your reasoning is more valid than mine, and you are adamant, I might have to throw you off the balcony, into the water, so I can preserve my male ego, and keep face. SO, DONT EVER DISAGREE WITH ME, - ABOUT ANYTHING, -IN ANY WAY, -FOR ANY REASON, -UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, -AT ANY TIME, -AND ANY PLACE (especially on a high balcony) ... FOREVER ... (ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE CORRECT 😡) If you meet these requirements, im sure we'll get along like 2 songbirds ... songbirds where one has a terrible song, and the other is deaf and doesnt realize how bad the song sounds, so they can live in perfect harmony! 💥除非您发布了一张比跳蚤眼球还大的近期照片,否则我不会回复人们的任何个人资料。 或者来自狗。 或者猫。 甚至是美丽的鲤鱼(他们经常是骗子,而且不像他们的照片那么美丽。)
81 Kissimmee, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 45 - 65
Education: Masters Degree
Thank you for reading my profile. I have been married twice. I have been in love three, maybe four times. I have been hurt several times. I'm nothing special. I'm not a stud or the world's best lover, and I posses no ultra wonderful powers or special qualities. I like to dance, good music, I am laid back, but not lazy, I enjoy the outdoors, as well as cuddling, candlelight dinners, looking at the ocean or the sky, and quite often just spending evenings at home alone, or together with someone special. I am really not hard to please, and I will always do my best to please you. I am not perfect, but I am considerate of others, and I am a good person. I am not rich. I am retired with a small pension, but I will come to your country to meet him in person if we both agree that we want a serious relation with each other. I'm probably not going to take your breath away, or sweep you off your feet, but I'm not going to cheat on you, disappoint you, or let you down either. I'm looking for someone truthful and honest to share my life and my dreams with. Someone I can trust with my innermost feelings, my private thoughts, and my desires. Someone who treats others the way they like to be treated. In short, someone who is a gentle and tender human being. I know that there are no perfect people, I'm not looking for perfection. God knows I'm far from perfect, but honesty, faithfulness, and truthfulness will certainly go a very long way in establishing the foundation for a good, long term relationship. **************************** 我不會說中文。我在我的電腦上使用翻譯程序。我衷心希望你能清楚這一點。如果不是,請原諒我。 感謝您閱讀我的個人資料。我已經兩次結婚了。我戀愛了三次,也許四次。我好幾次受傷了。我沒什麼特別的。我不是一個鉚釘或世界上最好的情人,我沒有超強的力量或特殊的品質。我喜歡跳舞,音樂很好,我很悠閒,但不懶惰,我喜歡戶外活動,喜歡擁抱,燭光晚餐,看海洋或天空,而且經常只在家裡度過晚上,或者一起有人特別。我真的不難取悅,我會盡力取悅你。我並不完美,但我很體貼他人,我是一個善良的人。我不富。我退休時養老金很少,但如果我們都同意我們希望彼此之間保持認真的關係,我會親自到你的國家去見他。我可能不會讓你屏住呼吸,或者把你從腳上掃除,但我不會欺騙你,讓你失望,或讓你失望。  我正在尋找一個誠實和誠實的人來分享我的生活和夢想。我可以信任一個人的內心,私人的想法和我的慾望。以他們喜歡的方式對待他人的人。簡而言之,是一個溫柔而溫柔的人。我知道沒有完美的人,我不是在追求完美。上帝知道我遠非完美,但誠實,忠誠和誠實必將為建立良好的長期關係奠定基礎。
76 Morgantown, West Virginia, United States
Seeking: Female 32 - 60
Education: Masters Degree
I am: Sunny, tender, warm gentle, loving disposition, Smiling, playful,very mischievous, very active, educated (Masters degrees), always happy. Stylish dresser (fashion industry exec in previous career) A very hard working man as the President of a growing electric vehicle manufacturing operation. I travel to China often and have lived there a few months. Traveled in 20 countries. Lived for years in Europe. Controversial designer of aircraft, military equipment, and electric vehicles. I push into areas that other people are often uncomfortable in. IE - travel in areas that are not standard tourist areas, going into the wild by myself, being self employed, living abroad for periods. (or looking for a non American wife) Activity - Like hiking, walking, canoeing, bike riding, flying, climbing, traveling, working on the house or my old sports car, cooking, museums. I do not watch or follow team sports at all. I have never watched a game on TV in my life. I like lots of time together being affectionate and or engaging in some activity. My goals currently are to start flying again, walk the Inca Trail in Peru, climb Kilimanjaro with my love interest, get my company product design projects launched into the market, fall in love, marry. I am working with Chinese manufacturers to make electric vehicles. I am also an engineer for aircraft design. I love the effort of achieving the unique and unusual. I go for the zest and zeal in life not necessarily the money. I am very romantic in nature. Completely faithful to my lover. One woman only. I live in a small University and resort city in the mountains. My house sits on a hill overlooking the University and the river surrounded by huge trees. Deer eat in my yard. Bicycle and walking trails are within 15 minutes walk. Big forest parks within 30 minutes drive. I go to a park quite often.
63 Akron, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Female 38 - 50
Education: Masters Degree
Greetings Ladies! Are you tired of having every aspect of your life watched and controlled? Chinese Americans would never tolerate that. Get a VPN and learn more about the world. I CANNOT UPGRADE. I am in the USA and both debit cards do not allow Offshore (foreign) transactions due to extreme fraud with foreign based cards. CupidNetwork does not offer PayPal or Google Wallet or any AMERICAN payment services. I have been visiting China since 2008 up until the pandemic. I hope to never return. I think... and have always thought... that people can fall in love with anyone... so we need to be careful who we hang out with. I want to hang out with a lady who has a career... and a university education... and no kids YET (or none at home) because I will need to travel extensively for my business. I am also a Hard-Working and well-educated guy (2 BS Degrees, 1 Master's - MBA, PhD in Engineering coming) who is starting my own corporation. After decades of working as a global business consultant for top-tier consulting firms (e.g., the Deloittes, Accentures, IMBs, KPMGs of the world), I am starting my own engineering firm. I saved the best ideas in my career for myself. To be successful... I need to out-engineer and out-think some global corporations... so you need to be confident in me. My photos are recent... and NOT ALTERED in any way. I stay away from ladies who alter their pics to look 17. If your photos are not REAL... you are not honest. If you have a VPN and want to learn about CHINA... here are some real un-filtered YouTube news channels... with news coming from inside China: Lei's Real Talk China in Focus China Uncensored China Observer