
American Men with No Glasses Interested in Friendship

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67 Miami Beach, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 50 - 60
Eye wear:
For too long, I allowed my interests and passions to be pushed into the background by the very heavy requirements of my international career. Now I'm retired, financially successful, but without a soulmate. I am also trying renew some long neglected interests and dreams, and hoping to discover new ones. Life can be ironic, however. When i was young, I had many dreams and desires, but couldn't afford to pursue them, like everybody. When i was working, I could afford many of those dreams, however, I was working so hard, I had enough money, but not enough time to fulfill many of them. Then, when I retired, and had both enough money and enough time, many of the things I dreamed about were no longer as interesting to me. Especially alone, without a soulmate. Life is ironic! But no complaints. I've seen a lot during my life, and feel I have been extremely fortunate to be alive and able to laugh, to love, and to feel joy. I have an active and curious mind, and my interests range widely. I easily become passionate about ideas, concepts, trends, human relations (for better or worse), the future, technology, and ... the most important thing of all... finding, building & enjoying a loving, caring, suppotive lifetime relationship... Hopefully with a human being. Dogs and cats and rabbits and mice can be very affectionate and loving friends; but it's hard for them to understand some of my humor and deep thoughts, especially about philosophy, economics, politics, and a.i.'s impact on the stock market. (Although I think some of my dogs understood life better than I did!) On the other hand, dogs and cats, and especially rabbits and mice almost always agree with my perspectives, especially when it's time for me to feed them, and I can blackmail them into agreeing with me. (Or pretending to.) At least when they're hungry. Nevertheless, I'll accept a (human) lady, but only if she pretends she likes my humor --- and I'll pretend I believe her! Who could ask for anything more? A perfect marriage!!! Oh, it would also be good if she had a soul. And a heart. And her own teeth ... at least most of them. Attached to her mouth, not on the table by the bed, or on the floor where our jealous dog, or cat, or rabbit, or rats took them and hid them somewhere while she was sleeping ( I hope it's with me. And, if its NOT with me, then she deserves to have her teeth stolen by a rat😡!! Probablyn the one she's with🤣) ----- I have traveled to 60 countries, and lived in 6, including the US, (which is often the most difficult country of all of them.) I am intelligent (or I can pretend to be; at least I can pretend well enough to convince other people who are also pretending to be smart.) I'm well educated (MBA from an internationally famous university), successful, sometimes rational (except in the case of love ... and humor ... and dogs ... and quantum physics ... and ... rates c who steal teeth), interested about many issues, and have a very, very active sense of humor & irony. If you don't enjoy humor, I'm the wrong guy for you! In fact, I'm probably the wrong guy for you even if you DO enjoy humor. But at least I don't steal teeth! I live in an oceanfront Penthouse, and love having snacks and informal meals overlooking the ocean on my balcony--but would love it far more with you at my side. (Of course if we have a disagreement, and your reasoning is more valid than mine, and you are adamant, I might have to throw you off the balcony, into the water, so I can preserve my male ego, and keep face. SO, DONT EVER DISAGREE WITH ME, - ABOUT ANYTHING, -IN ANY WAY, -FOR ANY REASON, -UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, -AT ANY TIME, -AND ANY PLACE (especially on a high balcony) ... FOREVER ... (ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE CORRECT 😡) If you meet these requirements, im sure we'll get along like 2 songbirds ... songbirds where one has a terrible song, and the other is deaf and doesnt realize how bad the song sounds, so they can live in perfect harmony! 💥除非您发布了一张比跳蚤眼球还大的近期照片,否则我不会回复人们的任何个人资料。 或者来自狗。 或者猫。 甚至是美丽的鲤鱼(他们经常是骗子,而且不像他们的照片那么美丽。)
70 Los Angeles, California, United States
Seeking: Female 38 - 65
Eye wear:
Age Mistake 60yrs ,,Ni Hao , my name is tony , very serious to meet an asian lady, ,,Have my own Business Web Site it's ,,, www.razorfencing.com,,,,,, learning chinese it's very hard ,Looking to meet a nice asian women ,tony is a very easy going guy, the business is ( Selling Construction Material across the United states ) ..also worked for Century21 Real Estate ,The only way to have a friend is to be one,,,, born and raised in Los Angeles from 7 brothers and 2 sisters you learned to share and appreciate the little things to never take people or things for granted ,Learned that when you give it's a win win , enjoy Disneyland ,Banana Crème pie,,, Always working on my Web site to get to the top 10 of the Google rankings, looking for a friend -partner to help me built my Web Site , going to visit the Great Wall of China , lifes to short to be a grump, Very healthy and dowm to earth nice guy, like they say a healthy body means a healthy mine , being physically attracted to someone and feeling the chemistry is huge. But most importantly, having similar interests makes for a great match ,,,,,..... 努力學漢語要去參觀试图了解中国非常非常难,Looking to meet an Asian women ,,,Very serious need someone to spoil,,tony's a little naughty good man , in very good shape jog & exercise every morning , going to visit The Great Wall of China, be real nice to speak to the people there in Chinese to enjoy it more, so many beautiful city's so little time ,,not big on e-mailing more of a face to face person, maybe one day after work we could meet at a Starbucks . it's a nice public place ,we see how it go's, if not maybe we made a new friend , a new good friend that's not bad ,, trying to meet someone in the Los Angeles area,,l. work with a lot of nice people and a few grumpy one's, ,born and raised in Los Angeles ........Enjoy and learning Asian history,,,,,,,,,,The Terra Cotta Warriors in the City of Xi'an,,,,,, Need to walk on the Great Wall of China to touch all that history,,,The Yangtze River,,,The Capital City of China Beijing,,, Tiananmen Square,,,The City Shanghai,,,Hong Kong and it's Harbor.....................................FAVORITE THINGS....................................a smile , the elderly,,, that morning cup of coffee,,,the rain ,,,chocolate, Chinese's pancake's,, enjoy a garden,,,, fresh flower's, exotic fruits,,,Disneyland ,a wood fire , little pet's,,, walks on the beach ,,,weekend getaway,s ,,, people watching,,, classical-most music,,,dancing,,The theatre , ,Christmas Season ,,Yosemite Nat'l park,,,The Arts,,,(The song) What a Wonderful World by Louie Armstrong ,Really like to learn Swing dancing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....Always very itchy to put the bike on the car drive up to Sequoia Nat'l Park or maybe Big bear,,, a nice slow bike thru the Forrest early then a Great lunch Maybe one day it's The Golden Gate Bridge -the Grand Canyon, learning Chinese , 也学中文很难去参观长城 ,going to visit the Great Wall of China, need to touch all that History ,,,very healthy and in good shape, jog every morning ,like they say healthy body healthy mine ,important being physically attracted and feeling the chemistry is huge. having similar interests makes for a great match , when you give you win , bit naughty and nice ,looking to meet someone with a sense of humor to spoil a little , And not be so picky , from 7 brother's and 2 sisters, you learn to share and appreciate the little things and to never take people or thing's for granted, Also worked for Century21 enjoy the outdoor's getaway weekends ,exploring new place's, the little off the road towns ,hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon ,did Mt Whitney awsome view,,,enjoy that all of a sudden ride up the coast from lunch in San Francisco to breakfast in San Diego, to hiking or biking in Yosemite Park
76 Morgantown, West Virginia, United States
Seeking: Female 32 - 60
Eye wear:
I am: Sunny, tender, warm gentle, loving disposition, Smiling, playful,very mischievous, very active, educated (Masters degrees), always happy. Stylish dresser (fashion industry exec in previous career) A very hard working man as the President of a growing electric vehicle manufacturing operation. I travel to China often and have lived there a few months. Traveled in 20 countries. Lived for years in Europe. Controversial designer of aircraft, military equipment, and electric vehicles. I push into areas that other people are often uncomfortable in. IE - travel in areas that are not standard tourist areas, going into the wild by myself, being self employed, living abroad for periods. (or looking for a non American wife) Activity - Like hiking, walking, canoeing, bike riding, flying, climbing, traveling, working on the house or my old sports car, cooking, museums. I do not watch or follow team sports at all. I have never watched a game on TV in my life. I like lots of time together being affectionate and or engaging in some activity. My goals currently are to start flying again, walk the Inca Trail in Peru, climb Kilimanjaro with my love interest, get my company product design projects launched into the market, fall in love, marry. I am working with Chinese manufacturers to make electric vehicles. I am also an engineer for aircraft design. I love the effort of achieving the unique and unusual. I go for the zest and zeal in life not necessarily the money. I am very romantic in nature. Completely faithful to my lover. One woman only. I live in a small University and resort city in the mountains. My house sits on a hill overlooking the University and the river surrounded by huge trees. Deer eat in my yard. Bicycle and walking trails are within 15 minutes walk. Big forest parks within 30 minutes drive. I go to a park quite often.
38 Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 27
Eye wear:
What's Up? Nihao! Nihao Ma? My Name is Mike, I'am a 37 Year old from Charlottesville Virginia in the United States. Yes, looks can definitely be deceiving lol My Profile may say June as my Birth month but I was Born "December 2nd." The Page is Messed up, I blame this website bro lol I've been to China, South Korea, Thailand and I've been to Japan, I've lived in Japan for 5 Years during my Martial Arts Career, I'am a Former Undefeated Martial Arts Champion in Kyokushin Karate from 1999-2005 & Then from 2014-2016 I retired Undefeated as a 2nd Degree Black Belt I Hail from America in the gorgeous town of Charlottesville Virginia A town in a State that looks like an overgrown Dorito Chip lol It has 11 Starbucks and other cool features My Interests include Video Games of all kinds and video game systems, I own A LOT of Retro Gaming Consoles, 2 1up Arcade Games & I'am a BIG Time PS4 & PS5 Gamer (I HATE Xbox and DO NOT own a Switch) I Also Love 80's Music, ROCK Mostly I also love 80's Movies, Cpop, Jpop, Kpop, Drawing, Writing, Reading Comics Pizza, Cooking, Traveling when I WANT TO and just ENJOYING life with every breath I take My Biggest Traits are my Humor Both Dirty & Hilarious Don't eat a Banana around me, I'll make it into a Hilarious innuendo lol my Eyes, My Words and my Heart are what I'd give 1 Legendary woman I often speak from my Heart and mean well. My Heart is my Biggest Treasure, if you end up mine, you'll be Blessed with THE Greatest Man in the Entire Universe...good luck with that though lol... Also, I Speak from my Balls as well, meaning if I don't like something or someone, I'll preach it hard What I lack in Height and Wealth, I Make up for my Love, Loyality, Strength, Respect, Naughtiness and Super Humor. I'am a BIG Sweetheart and a True Gentleman. but I can be VERY VERY Brutal towards other men & sometimes future In-laws I'd put YOUR parents in an old folks home, its either ME or Them...nuff said I'am very Cool, Very Sweet, very loving and very Goofy, but other times I'm Awesome & super ultra naughty when I can be, You'll Defo love the Naughty Side lol I'am a Sagittarius but an Ox in the Chinese New Year (If its the year of the ox, its definitely about me and NOT about you) I live a good life, trust me. I've Traveled all over the world and in my own Country I Love an Open Relationship, As long as a Woman is not too into Traditional Values I'm happy enough, Which means I HATE Tradition & Want to be Open never Stuck in the Same BS for years.. Spice up the love life, ya know? A Lady or LADIES in my life should feel the same way & want to Make me Happy to share another woman if I ASK I'am Skilled in Cooking, Poetry, 80s Movie and Music Knowledge I can dance Dirty, I'am a dang good dancer though ^_^ Also, Please understand I'am a "Standard member" I can't read your messages so if you are Standard (The Grey Person thingy) don't bother me If you are Gold or Platinum, Let's Rule the World lol I'm not wasting my GREEN on Upgrading Also, Please, If you have kids and are over 45, Stay way from me, as we say in America "I don't want another man's Left over Idiot kids or his Meal" I DON'T want your kids, Leave em with the Dude who left you Also, Please keep away if you're going to Spew Bible Verses at me, I'am NOT Religious and I don't care. What'cha see is what'cha get, Also, once you get to know me, you'll see I'm NOT that bad of guy, I'm like a Superhero and a "Terminator" to the right girl
