
American Men who are Divorced Interested in Friendship

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66 Novato, California, United States
Seeking: Female 35 - 55
Marital Status: Divorced
I am a technologist in the field of Trans-Humanism, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence. I set my own schedule, which allows me more time to pursue my other passion, flying. As a pilot, it’s humbling to ascend through the clouds 1000ft above the coastline. When I’m back on solid ground, I enjoy boating, jet skiing, nights at the opera or a concert, and fine dining. And when I want to venture a little further, I visit different countries all over the globe. At the risk of sounding immodest, my friends say I am handsome and sexy with a playful and fun personality (they say that I look 45). I am both passionate and compassionate and very approachable, empathetic, kind, and gentlemanly, probably because I was raised and educated in the UK, where it is more common than here in the US. I am a very intelligent and successful professional, and if you are the woman that I am looking for, I shall treat you like a queen for the rest of your life. I am very familiar with Asian culture(s) and I spent over 10 years living and working in China, where I built (and later sold) an electronics company a few years back. Unfortunately, I only speak a little bit of survival Mandarin - I plan to learn more one day. I have travelled around the globe countless times and visited over 30 countries, and ready to visit more with a perfect companion. Venice, Rome, and Paris are some of my favorite towns to visit, although I don't know if they remain the same romantic destinations from pre-Covid - the only way to find out is to go there next spring. Meanwhile, I own vacation properties in Cancun, Los Cabos, and Puerto Vallarta in Mexico, which are great for quick getaways.
50 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 35
Marital Status: Divorced
Disclaimer: Please take the time to read what I have dedicated quite a bit of time to construct for you. I feel you deserve to know something about me before you have to make a decision as to whether or not you check like or not. It's a good read ;) There is also a surprise in here for those who have the patience to read what I have written. I will read your profile completely. I believe what you are looking for in life is as important as what I am looking for. If you do not have much on your profile, I cannot tell you if I am interested. I cannot answer that by a photo alone. Tell me a bit about yourself. Very little here is going to tell you what I am looking for in a partner, rather what I find attractive in a mate/lover/friend/partner and who I am. I do not feel it is right to declare what I want. I want alot of things, but few of those things are needed for a good life. After all, who doesn’t want to travel the world or have lots of money and success? But in reality, very few get to claim those things. But if I tell you who I am, what I think, what I feel and what my current goals are, then you can gauge if you would be a fit with me. I am very content with my life, but I would like to find the Bonnie to my Clyde, the Harley to to my Joker, my partner in crime. I'm a kid at heart. I will play pranks, run, laugh, chase you, hide from you. I work hard, but play hard. If you have a habit of disappearing after a few messages, or worse yet, give single word or sentence responses please block me now. I love to talk. It's important in a relationship. My faith is very important to me. I open the day with prayer and meditations. I end the day the same, and throughout the day I am always trying to stay focused. I am not religions rather spiritual. I do not pray to statues or saints, but I am Protestant, Baptist more or less. I dislike traditional routines. I speak straight to God and have a relationship with Him directly for guidance. I am looking for a woman of faith. I need based off my faith and belief in myself a woman that has the faith I have. One that will seek God for answers and guidance. One that treats others as she wants to be treated. One that cares not fro money, fame or material things, but will seek eternal wealth. One that is happy with little as she is happy with much. One that values a soul connection with me over fame and fortune. I do not judge others for their faith if it is different than mine or desire to convert others to a religion. You are just as important as a human as anyone else is and I believe It is your choice to believe what you choose and you have the same rights to worship as you desire as I feel I do. I do however believe a healthy relationship is based heavily on two people of the same faith and same conviction of faith. I believe I can speak directly with God without intersession and believe He is the only God and only through the sacrifice at the cross one can gain eternal life. I also believe our lives have a purpose and we, if we seek it are guided to a life of peace and love through the leadership of the Lord. Prologue: faith, family, fun and to make as many memories as possible because in the end, memories are the only thing we take with us. Let us start off with a conversation and if we hit it off, let us go in a date. I do want to assure you, long term marriage and a family is my endgame. Please take the time to read what I have spent the time to write. I can assure you I will read yours. Who I am: I am confident. I am secure (emotionally, financially, spiritually). I am driven, sarcastic and compassionate. A Renaissance man in blue jeans. A creator, fet, sometimes defiant, a champion of animals, the weak and the needy and the antagonists of the rude and bullies. I am a true southern gentleman. I open doors for others. I say yes ma'am, walk on the outside of a woman on the sidewalk, rescue dogs, eat my vegetables, take my vitamins and say my prayers. I eat as raw as I can when I can. I exercise and try to sleep on a schedule. I do this because I want to be physically, mentally and spiritually attractive in such a way that my partner would have no choice but to desire my presence constantly. So I seek my equal. I own a business that is in both Florida and Louisiana (Baton Rouge and Orlando to be specific) and I travel equally between the two, so obviously I love traveling, but this also means for any foreseeable future, I must call the US my home. I have recently retired my old RV and have a new one on the way, so most of my days are spent traveling the southern states working for now. This affords me so many opportunities for day trips to so many activities and points of interest I would never have the time to visit.I read in every profile: "I wish to travel" well, I am a traveler that brings his home with him. Also I bleed purple and gold. (college football reference: Geaux Tigers!) Bio: I would love to start a family when the time is right. This is important to me, so if you have no desire for one, I can assure you we will not be a good fit together. I fit best with women between 20 and 35 years old. I have the spirit of a youth, the looks of a man in his 30’s and the life experience of a seasoned one. I am not interested in big homes, fancy cars and impressing strangers. This is why I do not have much in common with the women in my area. I value experience and love and memories rather than fancy distractions, and I am looking for the same. I do not wake every day to go to work to pay the bills, but rather to save for future activities. I take a few trips a year either diving, Disney (a family favorite), any theme park actually, camping - no really I actually camp, run marathons, dress cosplay for any event my nieces and nephews want to go to. I have been told the twinkle in my eye and my sly smile is my calling card to trouble, both good and bad. I tithe, I go to church, meditate and seek to be the best person I can be regardless of my circumstances. I don't spend my money buying things, but rather spend my money doing things. I am fortunate enough to be able to take days off during the week as I see fit. It's a good life. I am not looking to another person for my happiness, rather be happy with. I go to festivals, take vacations, go to markets, I do actually camp and exercise as oppose to those that think "I would love to do that one day with someone" is the same as doing whatever activity they mentioned. Wanting to do and doing are not the same thing. I enjoy theme parties and activities where I can dress up for no reason but for fun. or for a costume party (yes, some guys do dress cosplay for their nieces and nephews in an effort to support their imagination and help them become confident in public) and then head out just to do what others do not have the courage to do: have fun with no hesitation. I can be lazy. I can be a work-a-haulic. I attend church regularly, but I am not a member of any. I am not a preacher nor will I try to convert anyone. I prefer we agree naturally. I volunteer anywhere from animal shelters to charity causes. I own my own business. I take care of my mother. God comes first. I open doors for ladies. I say yes ma'am and no ma'am. I am extremely sexual, kinky and adventurous in a sensual-romantic, fettish, spiritual and emotional way. You will need to be willing to accept this. I cannot do boring again. I still hope to have a family one day. I believe less is more. Literally and figuratively. I require lots of kissing. A very lot of kissing. I think a lady in a dress is beyond beautiful. I am single handedly trying to keep chilvary from going extinct. I will call down another male that acts an ass in public. I read - a lot. I believe in the power of prayer. I will try to hold your hand at every opportunity. I give, extremely liberally, but I refuse to give to those not willing to help themselves. I listen to the little things. I melt over a woman with curls, bangs, bows, ribbons or lace. Seriously, it's something i can't explain. I am planning my small house on a lake in the country even now. I can work from almost anywhere, so I travel a lot. I am patient to a fault. It's actually one of my negatives. I have a new addiction to running races at Walt Disney World. I hold that Sunday is God and Family day. Family is very important. My age is incorrect on this bio. It won’t let me change it due to either me or the chappa not understanding which squares have the crosswalk: I’m 48 not 40 like it says. I am very involved with my family. Well, except that one aunt that is evil. I have a dark, dry humor. I'm passionate about most things I do, so bad words sometimes happen. I will not assume everything needs fixing: I will listen if you want my help though. I love gags and tricks. Be prepared. I enjoy a good cigar as one of my few guilty pleasures. I will do almost anything for a laugh. I can count on both my hands all the times I have yelled at someone. I don't fly - ever. For any reason. I am close to my Dive Masters License. YOU MUST be fun, laugh, giggle, be mischievous: be a big kid. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. I can be a smart ass. I take care of myself: body, soul and spirit. I am not vain, but rather understand how I treat myself effects my attitude toward myself and others. Life is way too short for regrets. I am all out of regrets, I want fun. Less is more. A house in the country, growing my own food, taking care of my existing, and hopefully future family is my dream. Are you my forever hippie chick? Other: Patience and a positive outlook is something I have been both praised and cursed at for. I have an engaging family that you would need to become part of and I would wish to be the same with yours. Communication is paramount. Like extremely important. I like to talk. Also: Chocolate Almond ice-cream, cinnamon rolls and banana splits. This is the nectar of the gods and I will insist you have terrible life choices if you say those three things are not why we exist. Also Also: sundresses, lace and bows are my weakness. You will get anything you want by using them against me!
52 Charleston, South Carolina, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 55
Marital Status: Divorced
Hello, my name is Daniel. (I don't normally speak or write about myself so forwardly, it's not for lack of confidence mind you, but it's just not my style. I tend to be more reserved.) Nevertheless, in the hopes of making connection ,here is some information about me. I have three wonderful daughters all over age 21 that live independently Myer's Brigs personality test result INTJ Love Language : Physical Touch / Quality Time / Gift Giving My friends and family describe me as being like artist and a scientist at the same time. Sounds weird but it fits. I read voraciously. I love art, music, food,. I have a zeal and passion for life that is difficult to put into words. I feel that I am currently enjoying a euphoric renaissance of self (not in a malignant ego sense of self but rather in a personal expression of joyous authenticity in the moment) I fully intend upon savoring every single moment of life(not in a reckless epicurean sense but rather in genuine intimacy, sincerity and passion) to live deliberately. My mindset is the result of much suffering and self development. I love art, nature, music, surfing, composing, singing, investing, travel, food, other cultures, reading, learning, hiking, swimming, science, nutrition, friends and family, long conversations, spontaneous trips etc. The ocean is so beautifully therapeutic, it is as if the horizon line resets something in the psyche. Surfing is wonderful. I have an appreciation for minimalism but also for life's luxuries. I love rural land and mountains/beaches, but the city lights can be alluring for excursions/culture/ fine dining but I appreciate quiet rural beauty. I work hard and play hard I enjoy a diet of high quality meats and vegetables only. Almost no sugar or grain. (i cheat sometimes) I enjoy bio hacking, cold water, ewot, supplements, fasting, reading meta analysis of latest therapeutics. I write music and play often. I play guitar, some piano, poetry, art, psychology, history, technology faithfulness is paramount. Looking for my friend and lover.
52 Beaverton, Oregon, United States
Seeking: Female 35 - 46
Marital Status: Divorced
64 Los Angeles, California, United States
Seeking: Female 48 - 68
Marital Status: Divorced
Verified profile. This is me. I enjoy my work and enjoy travel too. Please consider the difference in our time zones is about 14 to 16 hours from Far East Asia to the Western United States. I am most attracted to intelligence. I am a Master Electrician. Of all the construction trades, an Electrician is considered a professional like a doctor or lawyer, because of our language and education. I love the ocean. I live so close to the ocean, I see it just outside my front door. I have worked all around the greater Los Angeles area, including many high rise buildings in Downtown Los Angeles, Century City, Universal City, Santa Monica and LAX airport. I have worked across other states: Alabama; Arkansas; Connecticut; Indiana; Kentucky; Oklahoma and Tennessee. I get the most fulfillment working new construction: building libraries, hospitals and schools. I am a builder. I fix things. I am a gentleman. I respect all people and expect the same. I trust women for their intellectual value. I accept the fact we all know different things and some of us are either more educated and/or more experienced. I do not smoke or have any tattoos. I drink some varieties, but not every day. I don't discriminate anyone for having tattoos, but they are just not for me. My ideologies are conservative, christian and progressive. I do love the United States and believe in human rights, but am opposed to gay marriage. I see the future already here where young people are driving all electric vehicles. As an electrical worker I have installed electric vehicle charging systems in homes and commercial buildings. But for right now, those too are not for me (but that could change in time). I prefer trucks and SUVs. I own and drive a 4x4 truck and when the time arrives to get something else, it will probably be another 4x4. I am fortunate to be working full time. Hopeful that 2022 will be better and doing everything in my power to make this world a better place for everyone. Yes... we can change the world!!!!