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38 Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Seeking: Female
Religion: Christian
Hi i am looking for a good person to get to know and maybe make something happen. I love to travel and would love to meet people. if you want to contact me ym you can try  and i would love to talk to you thereHello everyone and thank you for taking the time to visit me here. I am Dave and live just outside Boston by myself just me and my puppy, I know sad but my dog is great company. I work in the city of Boston dealing in real estate and mortgages and often work six or seven days a week since I do not have someone special to come home to. I love to be out doing things weather it is dining out cookouts travel or camping. I am not someone who sits at home watching tv. At times it would be nice to snuggle on the couch with a movie and popcorn though. Skyp. Skypeacxount@yahoo.com I can be a hopeless romantic to that someone special. I like to send flowers or surprise with a cute gift or a special weekend. You ask the type of woman I am looking for well I am a businessman and dress line it every day so suit and tie and I love it. I am that type that always needs to look good when out. I have do many clothes and shoes to match. I want a woman who also line to be dressed up nice and sexy to be out always. Takes pride on how she looks even though she would be my wife she still feels the need to dress special for me. I am also a lover. I love kissing and touching. Rubbing your back or holding hands while out. If you are with me I want to make sure the world knows how much I am In love. Now I also like a bit of a wild woman. Someone who lives being sexy for me and lines to push the limits at times. Do you know I am a very sexual person but I want my wife to be as well so we can explore things together. I like a woman who does not mind getting her sexy ass spanked at times or will surprise me with some very sexy cloths when I come home from work. I like watching porn and even more exciting with a woman being sexy with me. I do like a woman who likes watching porn too and gets excited over it So people ask why not have a woman here from the states. the woman here love to party and drink to much. To many gold diggers here and they just do not understand the value if family but instead love the word divorce. And at the slightest little problem they use it to try to control. I do not want that game. I want my wife and if there comes hard times to be able to work hard to get through it Life is short not to push everything you do to the limits and enjoy it. I am a very happy person and she will be to. Come join me on this amazing trip through life I am tired of doing it alone. Thank you for reading this and I hope to explore with you. Ohh by the way if you wanted to know my favorite color is green.
64 Los Angeles, California, United States
Seeking: Female 48 - 68
Religion: Christian
Verified profile. This is me. I enjoy my work and enjoy travel too. Please consider the difference in our time zones is about 14 to 16 hours from Far East Asia to the Western United States. I am most attracted to intelligence. I am a Master Electrician. Of all the construction trades, an Electrician is considered a professional like a doctor or lawyer, because of our language and education. I love the ocean. I live so close to the ocean, I see it just outside my front door. I have worked all around the greater Los Angeles area, including many high rise buildings in Downtown Los Angeles, Century City, Universal City, Santa Monica and LAX airport. I have worked across other states: Alabama; Arkansas; Connecticut; Indiana; Kentucky; Oklahoma and Tennessee. I get the most fulfillment working new construction: building libraries, hospitals and schools. I am a builder. I fix things. I am a gentleman. I respect all people and expect the same. I trust women for their intellectual value. I accept the fact we all know different things and some of us are either more educated and/or more experienced. I do not smoke or have any tattoos. I drink some varieties, but not every day. I don't discriminate anyone for having tattoos, but they are just not for me. My ideologies are conservative, christian and progressive. I do love the United States and believe in human rights, but am opposed to gay marriage. I see the future already here where young people are driving all electric vehicles. As an electrical worker I have installed electric vehicle charging systems in homes and commercial buildings. But for right now, those too are not for me (but that could change in time). I prefer trucks and SUVs. I own and drive a 4x4 truck and when the time arrives to get something else, it will probably be another 4x4. I am fortunate to be working full time. Hopeful that 2022 will be better and doing everything in my power to make this world a better place for everyone. Yes... we can change the world!!!!
41 San Antonio, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 35
Religion: Christian
I am pretty tall (6'1") with an average build, hazel eyes, and brown hair with some grey starting to show. My hobbies include swimming, fishing, shooting, hunting, movies, playing games, and lots of other things. I can cook well, but I will admit my knowledge of preparing asian cuisine is less robust than my knowledge of western foods. I drink coffee and tea, and I have (mostly 😅) eliminated sugar from my diet. I like dogs, fish, and reptiles, but I am allergic to cats; I currently have a dog. I can do just about anything in my spare time, but I most enjoy reading, writing, playing games, and shooting at the moment. I do like to drink wine and whiskey, occasionally beer, and I will sometimes smoke a cigar or a pipe. I know a lot of things about a lot of subjects. Most of the people who know me would say I am the smartest guy in the room more often than not. I have no difficulty holding an intelligent discussion about any range of topics, and even debating the merits of various ideological positions. Some people would call me a polymath, though I would be reluctant to accept that status. I am honest to a fault, in fact, I am an awful liar 😂. You will never doubt where you stand with me; I will tell you my thoughts, even if I think it is not what you want to hear 😅. I am a traditional guy who believes in a nuclear family, and a wife who is a partner, a confidante, and supportive. I do not mind independence, I actually prefer it. I do want children at some point. I do not believe in critical race theory, the patriarchy, or any of the other "woke agenda" idiocy. If you want someone that believes in those things, I am not the man you seek; sorry, not sorry. I cannot change the date of birth on here, my birthday is in august, not january.
56 Newport News, Virginia, United States
Seeking: Female 27 - 45
Religion: Christian
PLEASE READ ENTIRE PROFILE !!! If you have no profile pic DO NOT CONTACT ME !!! I guess this where i'm supposed to sell myself and tell you what a great guy i am lol !!! I'll tell you a little about me. I'm honest, affectionate, caring, and family oriented. I have other good qualities but i'll let you find those out on your own, i mean that's what getting to know somebody is all about.... What i'm looking for. I'm looking for a single ( that means no "friends with benefits) woman who is serious about getting to know me and hopefully fall in love with me and get married. ....I am not attracted to women from any country in Africa.... I don't mean to offend anyone, that's just what i prefer... She has to be affectionate ( If you think holding hands is something that only high school kids do, i'm probably not the one for you, If you think that someone is being " SILLY" just because they tell you that they love or care about you, then i'm definitely not the one for you !!! ), funny, caring, family oriented, and HONEST !!! That means no internet playerettes .... Looks are not all that important, because true beauty comes from within.... One more thing, I'm a defense contractor, that means sometimes i work out of the country. I teach people how to shoot weapons. Now, with that being said, I am a real person!!! I'm not trying to scam you in any way , shape or form!!! I don't want your money . I don't need a green card. I'm not from GHANA or some other place overseas ( i was raised in West Philly, 63rd and callowhill ).It's just that my chosen profession causes me to travel overseas sometimes.... All i want is the chance to meet somebody and hopefully start something meaningful.... I'm not perfect, nobody is. I don't want a woman who is perfect. I just want a woman who is perfect for me.... A little food for your soul... The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is perfect, it just means i appreciate what i have and what GOD has blessed me with... Being in a relationship is a full time job. Don't apply if you're not ready..... I have a crush on your mind. I fell for your personality. And your looks are just a big bonus..... If a kiss were a raindrop; i'd send you showers If hugs were a second; i'd send you hours If smiles were water; i'd send you the sea If love was a person; i'd send you ME...... One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug somebody you love, and they hug you back even tighter..... I believe in the sun even if it's not shining I believe in love even when i'm alone I believe in GOD Even when He is silent..... If i could give you one thing in life I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes Only then would you realize how special you are to me.....
65 San Francisco, California, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 59
Religion: Christian
Greetings ! Thanks for visiting my profile. I am a kind hearted open minded honest loving man in search of my soul mate to enjoy the blessing of a long term relationship. I am loving caring, responsible, affectionate and passionate. I work hard and take good care of myself I eat healthy, exercise and pray daily. I understand the value of respecting each other in a meaningful serious long term non judging relationship. Always allowing each other space if desired, as well as enjoying common interest when together. I have a good sense of humor and some times act silly just for fun. I love laughing and sometimes make friends laugh too. I am a native of Marin county in the San Francisco Bay Area CA. Some of my interest are: I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs. I enjoy occasionally going out to see live performances. Also it's a fun adventure going out and enjoying all the wonderful variety of food in the bay area. A nice drive out to the coast and playing at the beach is always refreshing. Long hikes on the many scenic trails in the bay area are restoring. Mountain and road bike rides. Going to church. Checking out museums and parks. Going on road trips. Watching movies, at the theater or at home with Amazon prime or Netflix. I love music but, my favorites are Blues, Atlantic, Motown, jazz, and gospel. .. I enjoy creative projects like restoring and modifying cars, Computer Tech repair, Gardening, Working on my house. Cooking, Doing creative things with my hands, playing guitar. Self awareness and improvement, a never ending journey.. It's fun to visualize a meal then cook it when I have someone special like you to enjoy it with. Life is Beautiful, and I'm happy to be here. I enjoy life's ups and downs equally, as they both have their value for my growth. I'm a lover of truth. Looking for a truth seeker, and someone who is fearless in love.   ASPIRATIONS What I'm doing with my life Managing E-commerce and investments. Enjoying life, traveling when I can, working, having fun . Being a good father to my 20 year old daughter. Working on cars . Working out and bike rides. Maintaining my house. Self awareness and improvement. Being available to help family and friends. Looking for you..   TALENT I'm really good at Listening/emotionally available. Artistic creative expression. Helping people Fixing things. Getting things done. Being patient   MY TRAITS My golden rule Be humble and treat everyone as equal.   MEDIA Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food Books: Technical and spiritual. Spiritual: Prayer the Bible and TD Jakes Movies and shows: Comedy, Action, Informative, suspense, Mystery. Music: Blues, R&B, Jazz, Reggae, Funk, Gospel, Rock and Roll 1950’s and up, Classical. Food: I like most foods but, prefer spicy seasoning. some Favorites are Soul food,Cajun, All Asian, Indian, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Ethiopian.   NEEDS Six things I could never do without 1.Spirituality/Nature 2.Love/Passion 3.Friends/ family 4.Earth/ universe 5.Water/ food. 6.Creativity/Productivity These are six things that I believe need each other to be complete. What I'm actually looking for A partner/friend/companion who's company I truly enjoy. We don't have to have a plan.. It just happens, we are just happy to be together because we are with the one we love and it really doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing . We live a lifetime together filled with Love and Happiness. You Like to laugh and be silly, just have fun sometimes. Like me you are seeking the love of your life to share a life together in a monogamous loving sharing nurturing relationship leading to marriage.
62 Santa Barbara, California, United States
Seeking: Female 26 - 54
Religion: Christian
Looking for long term commitment. A permanent life partner. I have a visa to mainland China. Dating and getting to know each other first is essential. Many women here seem to be in a hurry to just jump into a marriage to escape their own situation. These type of women please do not reply to me. I have not just traveled extensively but have lived in many countries world wide, Still love to see new places, meet new people, and try new things. I am a workaholic sometimes, but try to make time for things that can fulfill my life. I love ocean, surfing, mountains, hiking, sailing, everything outdoors. Love to Snowboard,, mountains, speed…Amazing!!! And no bad people can be there.:) Just friendly and happy.:) I really enjoy theatre, art, music, smart joke, love Broadway, love to draw and paint, play sometimes piano, love to cook and enjoy going out for a nice dinner, good wine and candlelight, like to have a good time with friends or with someone special, enjoy quiet and cozy evening at home. Hmmm… what else…hopeless romantic, good sense of humor, open minded, do not judge others (I hope), have believes and strong values in life, love my family, books, Nature, The Ocean, dark chocolate Etc, Etc… I am your alpha & your Omega !! .... I am often described as a very calm but active person. I can just say this about myself: I am always striving to be a better man today than the day before. ... "Ideally", I love tall or short women. I also love thin slender women but also women with a full round figure. but these are all not as important to me as her character and her integrity ...I am: of course, fully aware that there is much to consider when choosing ones Life Partner. I have just chosen this approach as a starting point in order to keep it simple. Some would say that I am more wize than smart, sexy (I've been told Lol!), funny, nocturnal, and sociable. I love books, music, small social gatherings, and anything cute and chubby. I can Hang ten on a Surfboard, quote t.s. eliot, and find my way out of a rotary--yes, all at the same time. I know how to fix a comma splice, but I don't go bragging about it. Amar es complejo, si deseas amar, empieza por buscar una sincera amistad, donde reine el respeto mutuo, la armonía, la transparencia, el deseo de crecer juntos . Lo demás llegará por añadidura. ... ! El hombre que siente mucho, habla poco y así a sido mi corazón en el amor. Que no me juzgue si no va a apoyarme El principio del amor es dejar de aquellos que conocemos sean ellos mismos, y no tratarlos de adaptar a nuestra propia imagen, porque entonces solo amaremos el reflejo de nosotros mismos en ellos. No dudes de alguien que te demuestra que te ama apesar de todo, duda y ten cuidado de la persona que solo te lo dice. ..... Me Corazoncito no esta en el bolsillo de atras ni el de adelante.!! Esta mucho mas Arriba!! .... Mis padres son Antioqueños! ..
