
Chinese Singles who Speak Some English

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English Ability



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56 Baotou, Nei Mongol, China
Seeking: Male 52 - 62
English ability: Some
在人生的广阔画卷中,我始终是一位热爱自然、拥抱生活的行者。我的灵魂深处,对大自然的壮丽与细腻怀有无限的敬仰与向往,无论是山川湖海的辽阔,还是林间小径的静谧,都能让我心灵得到最纯粹的洗涤与安宁。这份对自然的深情,让我学会了在喧嚣尘世中保持一份宁静与淡泊,用双眼捕捉生活中的美好瞬间。 热爱生活,是我不变的信念。我坚信,生活的每一刻都蕴含着值得探索的意义与价值。我热衷于从日常的点滴中汲取养分,无论是阅读一本好书,还是尝试一道新菜,都是我对生活热爱的表达方式。这种热情驱使我不断前行,在探索与尝试中丰富自己的内心世界,让生命之树更加枝繁叶茂。 同时,我也是一个持续学习、追求自我提升的旅者。我深知,在这个日新月异的时代,唯有不断学习,才能跟上时代的步伐,实现个人的成长与超越。因此,我积极投身于各类学习活动中,不断提升自己的专业技能与综合素养,力求在复杂多变的社会环境中保持竞争力与创造力。 然而,在我心中,最重要的莫过于对自由、博爱、和平以及有尊严的生活环境的向往。我坚信,每个人都应享有自由选择的权利,在爱与被爱的氛围中成长,共同营造一个和谐共生的社会。我渴望生活在一个充满尊重与理解的世界里,每个人都能保持自己的独特性与尊严,共同为构建更加美好的未来贡献力量。 总之,我是一个热爱自然、热爱生活、追求自我提升与和平尊严的个体。在未来的日子里,我将继续以一颗开放与包容的心,去拥抱这个多彩的世界,用我的行动与热情,为这个世界增添一份温暖与光明。
59 Beijing, Beijing, China
Seeking: Male 53 - 66
English ability: Some
Hello, my name is Zhu Qiuhua, English name:. Kuny pearl. Marital status: Widowed. I am an artist and art teacher living in Beijing, China. I have 38 years of professional experience. I am still Working. I have two art studios where hundreds of students learn painting every year. I was born in a traditional and excellent family in Beijing, China, with a good family atmosphere and upbringing. His parents and brothers and sisters helped each other and loved each other, and learned painting and music from an early age. Read a lot of books and travel, before the age of 30 had visited all the famous Sichuan historical sites in China. I like collecting artworks, have good health, know some traditional Chinese Taoist health methods, have the ability to adjust the life of myself and my family, and have emotional stability. Will create romantic everyday pleases. You will also enjoy the pleasure of art, if you also like Chinese culture and Chinese women! Then I will give you all the qualities of real Oriental women, elite and sexuality, intellectual and wildom, live and flexible healthy female life. If you like to travel, you will have a deep appreciation of China's famous rivers, different regional cultures and cuisines with my company. In my spare time, I like to travel and paint, taste the cuisines of different places, and listen to cello music and jazz music while tasting wine! Wine, food, beautiful music is my favorite, daily exercise often horseback riding and fitness, I have a healthy body and optimal and sunny personality, positive attitude toward life, my heart is open to accept the integration of the thinking mode! Believe that every day is a good beginning. I believe that love worships marriage, respects your partner, and values Your inner feelings. Hope to find a noble quality of elegant and cultured and rich gentleman, the rest of life together to experience the value and significance of life, enjoy each other's unique character, enjoy the resonance of each other's souls, "I see you" hope you see me! !

