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Sally Wu
36 Chenzhou, Hunan, China
Seeking: Male 28 - 46
I'm an ordinary woman and I don't like showing off too much with gorgeous clothes and heavy makeup. Years can get wrinkled around my eyes, but never wrinkle my soul. My personality is frank, persistent, and considerate. You will find it easy to get along with me. I look forward to starting a serious relationship with the right person through this platform, no matter the distance between us. I want to love and to be loved. I have a deep yearning for a long-term and stable relationship with the man I love. Hopefully, I can kiss and hug him every day, and we can wake up together every morning. I can even see that picture in my mind----we fall in love with each other and then we will get married someday. In my opinion, neither appearance nor money is the key to run a long and happy transnational marriage. It is the common growth of spirit---- patience and experiences to overcome cultural differences, learning to appreciate advantages and complementarities between them. I will accompany you all the way. When life challenges us, let’s try our best to overcome it; while we can't, we will comfort each other. Do you like such a woman? I graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University in China and majored in Business Education (Self-study), I self-learned English speaking and worked for many years in a foreign company in Shenzhen China, Due to my love for children, I founded an English training center in 2019. The center had become popular among parents and children for high-quality teaching quality and service. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 has destroyed all. I was once depressed about the discontinuation of my center, which is the business I love, the fruit of my labor. During the epidemic outbreak, I have seen the unpredictability of life. I reflected on my life, there should be a better life waiting for me. So, I come here to look for the right person. I had a long-term relationship with a foreigner before but never married, it told me curule cross and understanding each other is very important. Nowadays, in addition to taking care of my parents, I'm running a small online shop business with my handmade products at home. It is the way to maintain self-income. Although I am not rich as started a new career, I live a comfortable life. I’m a simple person who lives a simple life and I hope to find a simple person to live a happy life together. I enjoy family life very much. I have learned to cook a delicious meal. I like proper organization at home while untidiness can really upset me. I like exercise and listening to nice music. I like hiking, swimming, and golf. I am still curious about the unknown world. I want to spend most of my time with you-----getting up with you every morning, sharing breakfast to start a good day. I'm also very happy to cook dinner together. We can enjoy delicious food, wine, and lyrical music together. At the weekend, we can arrange the garden, like cultivating plants, fruits and vegetables. Life is full of joy, isn’t it? I hope to have a job and we can pay family expenses. I come to you to bring you happiness, not trouble. Honesty, loyalty, and dedication are important to me, not just words. They are part of my way of life. My family is very important to me, and your family is also very important to me. I believe communication is very important for any successful relationship. We need to understand each other's feelings and positions so we can support each other better.
40 Changsha, Hunan, China
Seeking: Male 40 - 55
Salut! Je m’applle YOYO et je ne suis pas célibataire. Je suis arrivée à la province du Guang dong en 2001 — Je travaillais comme opératrice de vis dans une usine électronique (JAPON). Je n’amais pas le poste et J’ai decidé d’étudier en autodidacte pour monter en grade. À ma grande surprise, ma famille m’a dit que cela ne sertà Rien. À l’encontre, je n’ai jamais abandonémon desir. Quelles annees plus tard, j’ai travaillé dans autre Compagnie (HONGKONG) comme employée de bureau. J’étais capable d’utilizer un ordinateur et d’autres Techniques.Toutes les choses que j’ai apprises se sont progresses. Cela a semblé que je faisais une réussite mais J’ai rencontré de nouvelles difficult és et des obstacles. C’est pourquoi je suis une guide certifiée. Je travaillais Dans l’industrie de tourisme. Je suis allée aux pays étrangers avant trois ans. Par exemple aux pays d’Euroupe, aux Etats-unis, en Australie, au Japon Au Sri Lanka, etc. Ce travail me donne une chance de savoir la langue francaise — L’une des langues les plus jolies du monde. Je suis heureuse d’apprendre le fançais avec vous. J’aime les musiques Populaires, j’adore le ciméma européen, j’aime aussi beaucoup les tableau. Je suis allée au musée du Louvre qui Conserve un grand nombre de precieux trésors historiques. Ces chef sd’oeurvres sont magnifiques. Je n’aime pas le R. N’b, le bruit. Je n’aime vraiment pas la pluie et je déteste découper le papier. Cette année, j’ai une novelle idée — Je voudrais passer le test IELTS, et j’irai au Canada. Wow! Que belle idée!
26 Changsha, Hunan, China
Seeking: Male 30 - 40
Hello! Welcome to my personal profile. My English name is Lily and I come from Hunan, China. I am 26 years old and single. I have Never been married and have no children. I used to be a Chinese teacher, but due to some reasons, I quit this job. I am planning to switch to a new job and try a new life. If you want to learn Chinese, I would be very willing to help you. I hope Everyone can feel the vastness and professness of Chinese culture. I sometimes enjoy cooking, and sometimes I make more food to share with my family and friends, allowing them to enjoy delicious food. I think sharing is the happiest thing in the world. I sometimes invite my friends to go for a run together. Exercising can make us energetic. I sometimes Like to stay in the library and read fairly alone. Reading can enrich our brain and enrich our spirit. Sometimes I also Listen to music and play ukulele. Although I only know how to play simple songs, I feel that music washes our minds and relax our bodies. I also enjoy visiting museums in every place. I think museums represent the unique history and culture of the area, allowing us to better understand the local customs. If you want to learn more about me, you can send me a message and I will be very happy to receive your message. Thank you for taking the time to carefully read my materials. Hallo! Willkommen in meinem persönlichen Profile. Mein englischer Name ist Lily und ich komme aus Hunan, China. Ich bin 26 Jahre alt und Single. Ich war noch nie verheiratet und habe keine Kinder. Ich war früher Chinesischlehrer, aber aus einigen Gründen habe ich diesen Job gekündigt. Ich plane, in einen neuen Job zu wechseln und ein neues Leben zu versuchen. Wenn Sie Chinesisch lernen möchten, wäre ich sehr bereit, Ihnen zu helfen. Ich hoff, jeder kann die Weite und Tiefe der chinesischen Kultur spüren. Manchmal koche ich gerne, und manchmal mache ich mehr Essen, um mit meiner Familie und Freunden zu teilen, so dass sie leckeres Essen genießen können. Ich denke, teilen ist die glücklichste Sache der Welt. Manchmal rade ich meine Freunde ein, gemeinsam laufen zu gehen. Sport kann uns energisch machine Manchmal beribe ich gerne in der Bibliothek und lese ruhig alleine. Lesen kann unser Gehirn bereichern und unseren Geist bereichern. Manchmal höre ich auch Musik und spiele Ukulele. Obwohl ich nur einfache Lieder spielen kann, für ich, dass Musik unseren Geist wäscht und unseren Körper entspannt. Ich denke, Museen repräsentieren die einzigartige Geschichte und Kultur der Gegend und ermöglichen es uns, die lokalen Bräuche besser zu verstehen. Wenn Sie mehrüber mich erfahren möchten, können Sie mir eine Nachricht senden und ich werde mich sehr freuen, Ihre Nachricht zu erhalten. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, meine Materialien sorgfältig zu lesen
39 Changsha, Hunan, China
Seeking: Male 30 - 70
34 Changsha, Hunan, China
Seeking: Male 30 - 40
34 Changsha, Hunan, China
Seeking: Male 40 - 55
30 Xiangxiang, Hunan, China
Seeking: Male 30 - 42
35 Changsha, Hunan, China
Seeking: Male 40 - 58

