
American Men who Do Not Drink Interested in Friendship

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Do Not Drink

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45 McLean, Virginia, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 40
Drink: Don't drink
65 San Francisco, California, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 59
Drink: Don't drink
Greetings ! Thanks for visiting my profile. I am a kind hearted open minded honest loving man in search of my soul mate to enjoy the blessing of a long term relationship. I am loving caring, responsible, affectionate and passionate. I work hard and take good care of myself I eat healthy, exercise and pray daily. I understand the value of respecting each other in a meaningful serious long term non judging relationship. Always allowing each other space if desired, as well as enjoying common interest when together. I have a good sense of humor and some times act silly just for fun. I love laughing and sometimes make friends laugh too. I am a native of Marin county in the San Francisco Bay Area CA. Some of my interest are: I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs. I enjoy occasionally going out to see live performances. Also it's a fun adventure going out and enjoying all the wonderful variety of food in the bay area. A nice drive out to the coast and playing at the beach is always refreshing. Long hikes on the many scenic trails in the bay area are restoring. Mountain and road bike rides. Going to church. Checking out museums and parks. Going on road trips. Watching movies, at the theater or at home with Amazon prime or Netflix. I love music but, my favorites are Blues, Atlantic, Motown, jazz, and gospel. .. I enjoy creative projects like restoring and modifying cars, Computer Tech repair, Gardening, Working on my house. Cooking, Doing creative things with my hands, playing guitar. Self awareness and improvement, a never ending journey.. It's fun to visualize a meal then cook it when I have someone special like you to enjoy it with. Life is Beautiful, and I'm happy to be here. I enjoy life's ups and downs equally, as they both have their value for my growth. I'm a lover of truth. Looking for a truth seeker, and someone who is fearless in love.   ASPIRATIONS What I'm doing with my life Managing E-commerce and investments. Enjoying life, traveling when I can, working, having fun . Being a good father to my 20 year old daughter. Working on cars . Working out and bike rides. Maintaining my house. Self awareness and improvement. Being available to help family and friends. Looking for you..   TALENT I'm really good at Listening/emotionally available. Artistic creative expression. Helping people Fixing things. Getting things done. Being patient   MY TRAITS My golden rule Be humble and treat everyone as equal.   MEDIA Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food Books: Technical and spiritual. Spiritual: Prayer the Bible and TD Jakes Movies and shows: Comedy, Action, Informative, suspense, Mystery. Music: Blues, R&B, Jazz, Reggae, Funk, Gospel, Rock and Roll 1950’s and up, Classical. Food: I like most foods but, prefer spicy seasoning. some Favorites are Soul food,Cajun, All Asian, Indian, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Ethiopian.   NEEDS Six things I could never do without 1.Spirituality/Nature 2.Love/Passion 3.Friends/ family 4.Earth/ universe 5.Water/ food. 6.Creativity/Productivity These are six things that I believe need each other to be complete. What I'm actually looking for A partner/friend/companion who's company I truly enjoy. We don't have to have a plan.. It just happens, we are just happy to be together because we are with the one we love and it really doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing . We live a lifetime together filled with Love and Happiness. You Like to laugh and be silly, just have fun sometimes. Like me you are seeking the love of your life to share a life together in a monogamous loving sharing nurturing relationship leading to marriage.
62 Santa Barbara, California, United States
Seeking: Female 26 - 54
Drink: Don't drink
Looking for long term commitment. A permanent life partner. I have a visa to mainland China. Dating and getting to know each other first is essential. Many women here seem to be in a hurry to just jump into a marriage to escape their own situation. These type of women please do not reply to me. I have not just traveled extensively but have lived in many countries world wide, Still love to see new places, meet new people, and try new things. I am a workaholic sometimes, but try to make time for things that can fulfill my life. I love ocean, surfing, mountains, hiking, sailing, everything outdoors. Love to Snowboard,, mountains, speed…Amazing!!! And no bad people can be there.:) Just friendly and happy.:) I really enjoy theatre, art, music, smart joke, love Broadway, love to draw and paint, play sometimes piano, love to cook and enjoy going out for a nice dinner, good wine and candlelight, like to have a good time with friends or with someone special, enjoy quiet and cozy evening at home. Hmmm… what else…hopeless romantic, good sense of humor, open minded, do not judge others (I hope), have believes and strong values in life, love my family, books, Nature, The Ocean, dark chocolate Etc, Etc… I am your alpha & your Omega !! .... I am often described as a very calm but active person. I can just say this about myself: I am always striving to be a better man today than the day before. ... "Ideally", I love tall or short women. I also love thin slender women but also women with a full round figure. but these are all not as important to me as her character and her integrity ...I am: of course, fully aware that there is much to consider when choosing ones Life Partner. I have just chosen this approach as a starting point in order to keep it simple. Some would say that I am more wize than smart, sexy (I've been told Lol!), funny, nocturnal, and sociable. I love books, music, small social gatherings, and anything cute and chubby. I can Hang ten on a Surfboard, quote t.s. eliot, and find my way out of a rotary--yes, all at the same time. I know how to fix a comma splice, but I don't go bragging about it. Amar es complejo, si deseas amar, empieza por buscar una sincera amistad, donde reine el respeto mutuo, la armonía, la transparencia, el deseo de crecer juntos . Lo demás llegará por añadidura. ... ! El hombre que siente mucho, habla poco y así a sido mi corazón en el amor. Que no me juzgue si no va a apoyarme El principio del amor es dejar de aquellos que conocemos sean ellos mismos, y no tratarlos de adaptar a nuestra propia imagen, porque entonces solo amaremos el reflejo de nosotros mismos en ellos. No dudes de alguien que te demuestra que te ama apesar de todo, duda y ten cuidado de la persona que solo te lo dice. ..... Me Corazoncito no esta en el bolsillo de atras ni el de adelante.!! Esta mucho mas Arriba!! .... Mis padres son Antioqueños! ..
81 Kissimmee, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 45 - 65
Drink: Don't drink
Thank you for reading my profile. I have been married twice. I have been in love three, maybe four times. I have been hurt several times. I'm nothing special. I'm not a stud or the world's best lover, and I posses no ultra wonderful powers or special qualities. I like to dance, good music, I am laid back, but not lazy, I enjoy the outdoors, as well as cuddling, candlelight dinners, looking at the ocean or the sky, and quite often just spending evenings at home alone, or together with someone special. I am really not hard to please, and I will always do my best to please you. I am not perfect, but I am considerate of others, and I am a good person. I am not rich. I am retired with a small pension, but I will come to your country to meet him in person if we both agree that we want a serious relation with each other. I'm probably not going to take your breath away, or sweep you off your feet, but I'm not going to cheat on you, disappoint you, or let you down either. I'm looking for someone truthful and honest to share my life and my dreams with. Someone I can trust with my innermost feelings, my private thoughts, and my desires. Someone who treats others the way they like to be treated. In short, someone who is a gentle and tender human being. I know that there are no perfect people, I'm not looking for perfection. God knows I'm far from perfect, but honesty, faithfulness, and truthfulness will certainly go a very long way in establishing the foundation for a good, long term relationship. **************************** 我不會說中文。我在我的電腦上使用翻譯程序。我衷心希望你能清楚這一點。如果不是,請原諒我。 感謝您閱讀我的個人資料。我已經兩次結婚了。我戀愛了三次,也許四次。我好幾次受傷了。我沒什麼特別的。我不是一個鉚釘或世界上最好的情人,我沒有超強的力量或特殊的品質。我喜歡跳舞,音樂很好,我很悠閒,但不懶惰,我喜歡戶外活動,喜歡擁抱,燭光晚餐,看海洋或天空,而且經常只在家裡度過晚上,或者一起有人特別。我真的不難取悅,我會盡力取悅你。我並不完美,但我很體貼他人,我是一個善良的人。我不富。我退休時養老金很少,但如果我們都同意我們希望彼此之間保持認真的關係,我會親自到你的國家去見他。我可能不會讓你屏住呼吸,或者把你從腳上掃除,但我不會欺騙你,讓你失望,或讓你失望。  我正在尋找一個誠實和誠實的人來分享我的生活和夢想。我可以信任一個人的內心,私人的想法和我的慾望。以他們喜歡的方式對待他人的人。簡而言之,是一個溫柔而溫柔的人。我知道沒有完美的人,我不是在追求完美。上帝知道我遠非完美,但誠實,忠誠和誠實必將為建立良好的長期關係奠定基礎。