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Akik ChinaLoveCupid segítségével találták meg a szerelmet

7 - 12 megjelenítve a 20-ból

I owe her my loyalty and undivided attention

My heart has been captured by Amy of Lanzhou. We will explore a possible future together. Meanwhile, I owe her my loyalty and undivided attention. My heart has been captured by Amy of Lanzhou. We will explore a possible future together. Meanwhile, I owe her my loyalty and undivided attention.

Met my second half Respectful and kind

met my second half . It's very interesting . Respectful and kind met my second half . It's very interesting . Respectful and kind

I fond my love over here

I foUnd my love over here, the man that I love I foUnd my love over here, the man that I love

I’ve found a lovely lady I’m most happy with

I’ve found a lovely lady I’m most happy with Thank you I’ve found a lovely lady I’m most happy with Thank you

I have deep affection for him

I met a Korean who is an exceptional cook, and I have deep affection for him I met a Korean who is an exceptional cook, and I have deep affection for him

Thanks, ChinaLoveCupid

We exchanged short messages and had patience and then she came to the US after 6 weeks. I saw many profiles but takes a long time to sift and be patient. Thanks, ChinaLoveCupid. We exchanged short messages and had patience and then she came to the US after 6 weeks. I saw many profiles but takes a long time to sift and be patient. Thanks, ChinaLoveCupid.