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Julia & Aaron 我们12月在ChinaLoveCupid相识,见面并确定关系,不管以后是怎么样,我们很珍惜现在的&... Julia & Aaron 我们12月在ChinaLoveCupid相识,见面并确定关系,不管以后是怎么样,我们很珍惜现在的缘份。谢谢ChinaLoveCupid网站


2009年12月26日我们在这个网站相识,我们已经相识1年多了,我人生中最幸福的事,就是在&#x... 2009年12月26日我们在这个网站相识,我们已经相识1年多了,我人生中最幸福的事,就是在这里遇见我日本的男朋友,真的很幸福,虽然我们的幸福来之不易,但这就是爱情的力量吧,我想告诉单身的朋友,一切皆有可能,只要你愿意迈出第一步,也许这一步就是你人生中最最重要的一步,不要担心,不要疑虑,只需跟着你的心走就行了,最后谢谢华人交友网站为我创造了奇迹,谢谢!


我与他是真实相爱,并且,通过一年的在线聊天,他能来中国三次,加深的了解.我们都是工作... 我与他是真实相爱,并且,通过一年的在线聊天,他能来中国三次,加深的了解.我们都是工作在艺术设计,我们有共同的聊天话题,能相互学习业务知识和学习对方的国家文化和语言.生活能彼此得到照顾,所以,我和他是非常感谢该网站的服务.为我们大年纪的人提供了良好的恋爱平台.在此,特意感谢你们的网站,送一张我们在一起的生活照片,以证明我们的真实故事!!

ChinaLoveCupid truly brought us together, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for their soulmate and lifelong partner.

We connected on ChinaLoveCupid, and it has filled our lives with happiness and love! We’re excited to spend our lives together. Our first date was a romantic evening, complete with a lovely dinner and a sunset view over the beach. ChinaLoveCupid truly brought us together, and I highl... We connected on ChinaLoveCupid, and it has filled our lives with happiness and love! We’re excited to spend our lives together. Our first date was a romantic evening, complete with a lovely dinner and a sunset view over the beach. ChinaLoveCupid truly brought us together, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for their soulmate and lifelong partner.

I met an amazing woman and we decided to keep dating—it's a great connection!

I met an amazing woman this weekend. For our first date, we went to the beach and had a fantastic time. We packed a picnic with fruit, cheese, and crackers. The weather was perfect, and we really enjoyed ourselves. We decided to keep dating—it's a great connection! I met an amazing woman this weekend. For our first date, we went to the beach and had a fantastic time. We packed a picnic with fruit, cheese, and crackers. The weather was perfect, and we really enjoyed ourselves. We decided to keep dating—it's a great connection!

Thanks, ChinaLoveCupid

We exchanged short messages and had patience and then she came to the US after 6 weeks. I saw many profiles but takes a long time to sift and be patient. Thanks, ChinaLoveCupid. We exchanged short messages and had patience and then she came to the US after 6 weeks. I saw many profiles but takes a long time to sift and be patient. Thanks, ChinaLoveCupid.